Monday 2 March 2015

Study Task- 04 - Structuring your essay

Essay Structure

Below is my structure which my essay will be based around.

My Question is “Discuss the role that Graphic Design has played in Political and/or social change in a specific period in history".  I will be tackling this question by discussing Nazi propaganda in the period of WW2.


- Talking about my question topic.
- Sum up what propaganda is in general and maybe quickly explanation of the different forms of Nazi propaganda.
- Discuss and briefly explain what the whole essay will communicate and what kind of arguments i will be making, within the body of the essay. (Mass communication, Nazi as a brand, Hitler & Joseph Goebbels Guidelines etc.)


- Briefly sum up the contents of the body copy.
- Introduction about the Nazi in terms of political stance and History.
- Nazi propaganda from the early years before Hitler became chancellor.
- Introduction about the life of Hitler in his early years and his head of Propaganda Joesph Goebbels. Talk about Goebbels upbringing and his roll within the Nation socialist party.
- Talk about Mass communication on a propaganda bases. Explain in detail about different forms of communication within graphic design ( Posters, Media, radio, education...) and how they all linked together.
- Detail explanation about the Nazis as a brand, what kinds of books are available which the Nazis looked upon for brand guidelines. How guidelines impacted the designer with the decisions he/she makes. What kind of symbols did the Nazis have? Do they have specific guidelines for different ranks?
- Discuss and analysis existing Nazi propaganda posters. Analysis the Design theories behind it all. This will include but not limited to Colour, type, imagery and composition. After looking at the theory dig a little deeper into how these design decisions impacted the users emotions triggers to further brainwash and indoctrinate the German population into Hitlers illusions.


 - Sum up everything, which i have discussed in the essay.
- Was i successful in the points and analysis provided.
- What legacy has Nazis propaganda left behind in today's era. Has the techniques used by Goebbels been picked up and used for recent dictator regimes?
- Was the Nazis successful in their use of propaganda overall? did they succeed in there message?

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