Wednesday 11 November 2015

Study Task 6 - Primary research considerations

At this moment in time I can't see the relevance or how primary research would be effective for my essay. I will be investigating whether or not the 8 hidden needs are still relevant in contemporary advertising. Advertising agency's spend an enormous amount of time and money funding in depth research projects to understand the effects advertising has on the sub-conscious mind. With the amount of time we have on the essay and how little amount of knowledge I have in terms of phycology It wouldn't be practical for me to start conducting primary research to see how techniques of persuasion influence consumers. So for my essay this wouldn't be the best solution, therefore the best route to go down would be to quote and analysis existing research agency's that have all ready conducted in depth research about persuasion.

For my practical I would use primary research to build my idea. Conducting focus groups, questionnaires and interviews to inform my design decisions. If I was using photography's to boost appeal, I could gather a range of photos with different variations such as colour, type and subject matter and to understand what one my target audience engages with more. Focus groups and questionnaires would be the best solution to get the most results and answers out of my research in a small amount of time. One on one intimate interviews would be beneficial in terms of honesty and openness but It all comes down to the types of questions and the amount of time I have to focus on primary research.

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