Sunday 3 May 2015

Studio Brief - Advertising research

As i will be creating advertising posters for my practical side of context of practise, i thought it would be a good idea to analyse some ad posters and see the concept and message behind them

This advertisement for WWF is amazing well produced. It communicates the message extremely well. As soon as you see the gun on the child you instantly think, why? this in return gathers the attention of any body walking past.

Great use of gorilla advertising, Why restrict your self with just a digital image, bring your message to the audience directly and make them connect more with the issues.
This advert really connects well with the target audience You can tell the target audience is aimed at parents or any person who has children in their life. Looking at the ad triggers a parents instinct to protect their child and seeing this would obviously shock and disturb the audience. Which is what is needed sometime in order to get people to listen.

Using sex to advertise is very risky sometimes but if pulled of well can do wonders. I'm not sure if this works but it certainly gets peoples attentions as this kind of sex is not always aloud or acceptable in today's society. However it's basically objectifying women to make people buy their product. The message is saying, "buy this aftershave and you can have sex with girls" pretty tasteless.

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