Sunday 3 May 2015

Studio Brief - Initial ideas #2

After Simon suggested to me in the interim crit that i should maybe consider trying to go down the political route instead of working with a Greenpeace campaign, I decided to sketch some ideas and see what ideas i can come up with. 

I decided to represent Green party for my ideas as Green party is a modern political party who are starting to make an impact in British politics. Also other mainstream parties such as Conservatives, Labour and Liberal democrats have all been done before therefore i could get more uniqueness with the Greens.

Natalie Bennett will be the main feature of this idea. It will be in the similar style as the 'es lebe Deutschland' (below) poster produced by the Nazis' which glorifies Hitler in all aspects like his army behind him, ideal German landscape and the eagle flying above. Natalie Bennett will be in the same scenario but without the Nazis' branding in it. Natalie will be there with the green, English, organic landscape with the light shining perfectly on her and maybe a group of green party followers behind her to represent the support of the green party which will make her look like strong leader  

I think this idea represents the concept the most and makes the link between the essay and practical . This idea is playing on peoples emotion and turning them against the mainstream politicians. The poster will be off one of the politicians as a caricature. Caricatures were used a lot in Nazi propaganda and have been used to manipulate people into thinking that what they see in the caricature is truth. They used it a lot against Jews to change their facial features.

In this example, it's David Cameron. I want people to see this caricature and start to see it as truth. burning the image into their head in till they believe it. Therefore making that person more ugly and un-trustworthy as a leader. 
Idea here is meant to take the common phrase but changing it to benefit the Green party. So the British nation anthem 'god save our gracious queen' has been change to Greens instead of Queen. This aspect communicates that the green party are all for the British people and they need the public to see how important their cause really is. The style is contemporary and simplistic.

This idea is based on a contemporary style. There will be around 5-6 un-flattering images of David Cameron with the tagline 'don't vote for Cameron' The user is meant to see the images and become put-off and disgusted by the look off David Cameron and the tagline is meant to help this message. I want people to think 'do i really want to vote for this person'.

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