Monday 4 May 2015

Studio Brief - Initial Ideas #1 (insert images)

Below are two concepts for the Greenpeace campaign that i will be representing for  my physical part of context of practise.

Whaling Concept

1 - This idea is more of an interactive idea. Instead of having your bog standard A3/A2 poster, i wanted the message to come to life and to really strike people emotionally. The design would be a dead whale printed onto the bottom half of the wall with Japanese fisherman standing onto of the whale whist proudly planting their flag into the whale. The tagline will read "one small step for man, one major regret for mankind" suggesting that we as human are hurting animals and are causing suffering. The interactive part will come in form of liquid blood. The room where the poster will be displayed,  hopefully i can make the floor of the whole room filled with red looking liquid all over the floor. When people go to look at the poster they instantly walk into a puddle of red blood. Making the overall idea, striking and emotionally hard hitting.

2 - Idea here is to show dead whales but in a large quantity. Having rows and rows of slaughtered, graphic images of whales would hopefully trigger emotional hatred towards Japan.The tagline here would be "Japan committing the sea life holocaust since 1956" suggesting that there is no difference between the two. Also furthering the hatred for Japan and linking in with the first point of Hitlers 5 propaganda guidelines.

3 - Japans other name is the land of the rising sun. Using this name with the image of the red sun with the star burst, i realised i could relate this to whaling. Having the rising sun for the background , with the silhouette of a whaling boat within the sun. Also the sea would be red to visually represent blood. Overall the whole design would link the land of the rising sun with whaling.

4 - Looking and researching into Japan as a country, i noticed that there land mass shape kind of looked like a whale. Taking this on board, i subtly changed the shape to fit more of a whale but still looking like Japans land mass. The tagline says " You are what you kill" suggesting that japan has been shaped by it's slaughtering of whales. This design at first glance is very subtly, but at closer look at the tagline the user should hopefully figure out the concept and to start asking themselves questions evolving round the topic.

5 - Idea here is to scare and exaggerate the truth with how Japan Carry's out there killings of whales. Image of the whaling boat on top of the sea. The boat shooting down a bomb to a number of waiting whales. The tagline reads "There is only a matter of time" Suggesting there is not a lot of time before the bomb goes off, which will lead to a collateral of deaths and even extinction. Exaggerating the truth fits in with rules of Hitlers propaganda and this will make people hate what japan is doing even though japan doesn't use bombs to kill whales.

6 - Whilst researching about whaling, i kept coming across images of the whales guts and their bodies formed into a square cube. It made me think what would people say if it was a human beings body and guts all squashed into a compact cube. Why is it alright to treat other animals in this way if we as human wouldn't approve if it was the other way around. The idea of showing this situations if it was humans in place of animals is the bases of this concept. First poster would be whales guts and body parts formed into a tightly compact square then another poster with the human taking the whales place. The tagline would read "whats the different?" Suggesting that there is not different between us and whales.

Shark Fining Concept.

1 - Shark fining is extremely cruel and i wanted to get this across to the user as explicit and emotional distressing as possible. Instead of using a shark with out a fin drowning in the sea, I will be using people. The people will be adults and children. People has a lot more emotional link to children, so would be more hard hitting. The idea would essentially be an adult or child with their arms and legs missing, slowing sinking to the bottom of the sea whilst still alive.

2 - Same as the previous idea above but instead of a single person slowing sinking to the bottom. The bottom on the sea floor will be lettered with dead people with there arms and legs missing. Linking to the what happen with all the discarded sharks left to rot and be eating by other animals. Hopefully i can not introduce a tagline so the image can speak for it's self.

3 - Displaying all the goods. Collection of arms and legs which represent the sharks fins which get sold on the market. Demonstrating that it wouldn't be acceptable for this to happen if it was the other way round. Hopefully the user would be disgusted and see the act of shark fining a disgraceful act of animal cruelty.

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