Monday 4 May 2015

Studio Brief - Typography Choices

After experimenting with different colour variations i had to decide what kind of typeface to choose. I tried a lot of type face choice from Serif, San-Serif, script, decorative and modern styles. I wanted a typeface, which was modern to represent a modern and contemporary form of propaganda and also a typeface that communicate strength and is also impactful. Below are all the different typeface i experimented with.

In the end i decided to choose Gill Sans. The only reason for this was because it's the same typeface that the Green Party uses. I needed some form of Green Party branding on the design. At the moment the poster doesn't necessarily link with the Green party apart from the section at the bottom, so without this typeface then people might not make the link with between the Greens and the poster. It's important to keep with consistency and branding achieves this. Any other typeface then it would only be the logo representing the Greens branding, which isn't enough in the world of Brand guidelines.



Gotham bold


Din Alternant

Century Gothic

Bodoni 72

Albertsthal Type

Final Typeface - Gill Sans

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