Saturday 2 May 2015

Studio Brief - Caricature Colour Research

Following on from the previous research about comparing a normal and caricature version of David Cameron. I wanted to ask people about the same caricature but this time seeing if there is any perception changes based on different overlaying colours.

What i want to find out
What i want this research to find out is whether or not i can increase further hatred towards David Cameron by using different associations of colour. From the previous research, i found out that caricatures do in fact discredit people in a negative fashion. Could i further it by adding the colour red, As red is associated with danger and warning, would people become every weary and creeped out by this image compared to the original caricature image.

The Experiment
There are 6 of the same images of David Cameron plus the original version to compare with but each image had a different colour overlay. I then asked these following questions:

  1. What colour(s) is most disturbing?
  2. What colour(s) is most off-putting?
  3. What colour(s) is most un-trustworthy?
  4. What colour(s) is most sinister?
  5. What colour(s) do you hate the most?


I again asked 15 people these questions and the results are as follow:

  1. Most disturbing colour - Red
  2. Most off-putting colour - Pink
  3. Most un-trustworthy colour - Grey
  4. Most sinister colour - Red
  5. Most hated colour - Green

Overall i was quite surprised with the outcome. At the beginning i thought i could predict which colours people would choose but it turns out i was wrong. The results were completely different apart from a few. This research shows how every person has a different perception and emotion connection with different colours. The only thing i could get out of this was if i wanted to apply more sinister feel towards David Cameron then the colour choice would be red. As criticising the enemy of the state is what I'm try to achieve in the Green Part Advertisement. Also criticising the enemy of the state is an important area to achieve as this is another one of Hitlers propaganda guideline.

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