Wednesday 20 April 2016

COP 2 - Phoneblok Concept

Phoneblok is the chosen product I will be creating an advertising campaign for. Phoneblok is still a relatively new concept in the world of smartphone and the tech industry. With it being a new idea it becomes a big advantage as it will make the development process easier as their is hardly any promotional material for this kind of product so It'll be essentially a blank canvas. I can really develop and study an understand of the 8 hidden needs and truly see if the implimentation of these needs will encourage people to reconsider a modular phone over an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy.

What Am I aiming to achieve with Phoneblok?

Below are the number of directions I can investigate further when I start to eventually come up with a concept for Phoneblok.

To make the audience aware of the benefits of a modular phone - There are so many benefits and advantages of owning a modular phone that you can't get with an ordinary smart phone. By using the 8 persuaders how can I get the consumer to reconsider a completely new concept of smart phone. How do I get them to sacrifice their Iphone and try a modular phone?

Detach from the norm - People have build up a loyal dedication with Apple, Samsung and other phone brands that It causes a challenge to influence people to try a new product in which they have never heard off and is completely different to what they're used too. How can I use benefits of the phone to get peoples attention and interest to detach from their normal products.

Repetitive phone contracts - People are in a repetitive routine with their smart phones, they renew their phone contract every 2 years time and time again. But with Phoneblok they never have to renew their phone again. A modular phone is a phone for life, so how do I portrays this in terms of Graphic Design and the eight desires. Which desire is appropriate and which one will strengthen the concept or will a number of desires emphasise the need for the product just as well as one.

Ego-friendly - Global warming has become a serious issue for the world with a lot of people finding ego-friendly alternatives to do their share in combating green house gasses and damage to the environment. Disregarded and thrown away electronic smart phone waste is massive issue around the globe. The often unregulated and mismanaged waste often leaks damaging and corrosive chemicals into the environment that can take up to 20 years to decompose. Phoneblok is a ego friendly alternative to current smart phones. Modular phones last a life time with their interchangeable parts, so the need to change or buy a new phone becomes obsolete. This ego-friendly solution will be a massive appeal to people who believe in helping the environment from further damage Is the direction to invest into.

Customisable - Phoneblok is extremely customisable product that can be catered for any user for any occasion. This idea of personalisation is a new concept in the world of smartphone and is one that will get most attraction and attention. The concept that people can change their phones for any occasion solves most issues of current smart phones. People complain about the camera not being good or the battery not lasting long enough. All these issue will be things of the past with modular phone like Phoneblok.

All the points mentioned above will give me a clear indication of the different avenues I can go down when it comes to coming up with an advertising campaign for the product. The only issue left to solve is how to implement the needs within the campaign and what needs I will be the most beneficial and appropriate.

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