Tuesday 19 April 2016

COP2 - Concept for Practical

In my essay I discussed how the 8 hidden desires expressed in The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard are still relevant and used in contemporary advertising.  To make a link from the essay to my practical work I will be creating a advertising campaign that implements either all or some of the hidden needs. The advertising campaign would promote a contemporary product that doesn't currently have promotion material or any current public knowledge of such product. 

This way I would be able to reinvent the products branding and public awareness by using the 8 desires of the hidden persuaders and psychoanalysis methods of Sigmund Freud. In combination with desires and needs, design feature will also be used to strengthen the appeal and need of the product by using design decision such as colour, image and type to persuade the consumer to invest their time and money into the product. This in return will demonstrate the usefulness and necessity for such persuasion technique by advertising agency's to essentially subconsciously brainwash consumers into thinking that the product is the only answer. 

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