Sunday 24 April 2016

COP2 - Research Into Smartphone Competitors

The smartphone market has been predominantly controlled by Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Galaxy since the boom of the touch phone. To understand how they promote their smartphones I will be analysing their adverts for their newly released smartphones to understand the design decisions and concept behind the advert. In doing this I can begin to apply some design and conceptual techniques used for the promotion of the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy for Phonebloks.


Apple has always been ahead of the rest of the smartphone market in terms of revolutionary design and aesthetics. Apple has a large loyal fan base of designer and creatives who are dedicated to purchasing all things Apple and that's purely down to the way the iPhone looks and the way Apple takes design so seriously. 

In the advert below the aesthetics of the poster is minimalistic and modern, communicating a professional and visually appealing advert. Apple leaves everything to the imagination when promoting the iPhone. The slick modern style from the light neutral background and san-serif typeface demonstrates an almost tranquil mood, emitting wonder and creativity. The style and aesthetic of the design is the core reason why Apple has a large creative following because creatives appreciate well executed design. The term 'bigger than bigger' inserts curiosity and anticipation into the audience. The tagline is essentially saying that the new iPhone 6 is bigger then you can imagine, keeping the audience interested till the release date to see if the phone lives up to the hype. 

The next advert below by Apple communicates a feature off the iPhone and not the product itself. 'Shot on iPhone6' is a promotional teaser demonstrating the high quality performance of the iPhone 6 camera. This advert is directly appealing to photographers and others who are interested in that discipline. It demonstrates other areas of the phone and not just a phone that you make calls and text from. By using stunning visuals for the advert the user would be inspired to recreate what they have seen, knowing that they only need the iPhone to created visually beautiful images ending the pressure and stigma that you need to spend thousands of pounds on a DSLR.

Samsung Galaxy S7

From past adverts from Samsung it's clear to see the influence Apple has had on their recent advertisements. The Samsung smartphone has for a long time been trailing behind Apple in terms of competition. Using a modern and minimal layout as Apple with all attention on the smartphone, again leaving a lot to the imagination. The second advert also demonstrates a new trend of placing full emphasis on a certain area of the phone and not the phone as a whole. Samsung has dedicated a whole video to promote the fact that the new Samsung Galaxy S7 is fully water proof. This trend is something that I can apply to Phonebloks, instead of demonstrating the whole in general, maybe I can create a few adverts showing a the strongest feature of the phone to really emphasise it's strengthens. This in return will turn heads of the public and generate a curiosity and hype around the phone.

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