Sunday 24 April 2016

COP2 - Lego Campaign Analysis

The Lego campaign showcases the very essence of creativity with an imaginative approach to their advertising campaign below. The main objective of the advert is the process of looking past the rigid, unrealistic block-structure of Lego bricks and to see the potential of what can be created. From the surface the Lego is just a series of rectangles stuck onto each other but it's the audience that looks past this and uses their imagination to see their creations comes to life. The target audience of Lego is predominately younger children and children of a young age have the strongest form of imagination, therefore these series of poster will capture the imagination of the younger audience, making them think of all the potential creations they can make come to life with Lego. These types of adverts captures one of the hidden needs more then the rest, the desire of creative outlets. Letting the user first imagine all the creations they can create with the bricks and then Lego giving them the tools to go and create their visions and thats the desire in a nut shell. On the contrary, If the lego bricks already came as an airplane or a dinosaur then the creative outlet need would vanish as the fun and engaging nature of building the blocks would diminish the creative need making the product meaningless.

The concept around Phonbloks is essentially similar to how the campaign of Lego is constructed. Phonbloks acts as a smart phone from the surface but underneath there is tons of potential waiting to be unlocked. The smart phone can be adapted and changed for any scenario whenever and wherever the consumer wants.

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