Sunday 24 April 2016

COP2 - Final Resolution

Below is the final resolution for the advertising campaign of Phonebloks. After taking in the feedback from Simon and then conducting a number of primary research tasks I managed to successfully implement the selected full bleed images within the series of three adverts. The overall aesthetics of the design communicates Phonebloks as a modern tech company who are revolutionising the way we see smartphones. I was debating whether or not the use the isometric type for the informational text, I decided to use it in the end as I thought it brought the design to life visually as it adds a unique and creative approach to the advert. The type also reflects the phone in a contextual manner by representing the way Phonebloks is structurally built. The tagline had been changed from 'For any occasion' to 'Build moment'. 'Build moments' emphasises the concept within two words instead of three and the new tagline is a lot stronger to read with nothing left to the imagination. 'For any occasion' lacked importance and appeal, therefore 'moments' was used to emphasises how Phonebloks can enrich the consumers life for the better. Lastly, as modular phones are relatively new to the tech industry it means that these posters could be the first time the public would of heard of an modular phone. To make the public aware in case they become confused the design uses a couple of lines of information to quickly summarise modular phones and the benefits of using Phonebloks.

How have the hidden persuaders been implemented?

Emotional Security - Imagery and text have been used to create the desire of emotional security. Emotional security is about embedding a sense of safety and comfort into a product in which the consumers feels as if they have to buy that product in order keep them or their family safe. The text in the posters embeds a sense of security, especially the second poster about 'a bigger battery for life's moments'. Using the second poster as an example, it suggests that in order to remember and capture the most important memories of their family they will have to buy the camera in order to photograph them. The word 'battery' has a deeper meaning under the surface. Battery relates to time and that time relates to how long you have to spend precious time with your loved ones. The poster will instil a sense of subliminal panic that the consumer must purchase the camera to remember these moments as life is short and precious. The overlay colour of red and the image of the couple at their wedding only intensifies the desire and gives the consumer an example of when they had a life moment such as their wedding and how important it was for them to be photographed on their special day.

Reassurance of worth - The desire of worth has been widely used on all three poster by the information. Every message in the set of posters demonstrates that the user is able to achieve anything with Phonebloks. Phrases such as 'for the adventure" and 'for the gamer' communicates to the user that with Phonebloks you can achieve your dreams and be what every you want to be, embedding a force sense of worth that they are capable of doing anything but only with Phonebloks. Similar to the previous need the overlay of colour and image intensifies the desire by giving them a reference to look at, seeing these people in the images with their exaggerated facial expressions happiness and enjoyment, making the consumers want to reflect these emotions into their own life.

Creative outlets - Phonebloks emits creativity and imagination in such ways as Lego does. The product itself is a creative outlet where the user can upgrade and personalise the phone by adding and removing the blocks. The possibilities for the user are endless, all the consumer needs to do it apply their imagination and creativity and the phone is what they want it to be. This is evident in my poster by the message they process. Key phrases such as 'a camera', 'bigger battery' and 'a console' all demonstrate the different ways Phonebloks can be constructed and turned into. The small icons above the logo will quickly indicated the number of ways the phone can be build into. 

Love objects - Love object is a desire where the user can invest their love, time and money into a product. The advert sells this needs by implying that Phonebloks is designed and made for them by the messages they express. Phonebloks is completely customisable, insuring a personal smartphone for each user. By embedding this sense of a personal experience the user would feel more connected and would invest into something that they can call their own unique product in which no other user has.

Immortality - Immortality is essentially the need for internal youth, a product that the consumer feels can give them a sense of long jeverdy. The adverts implements these factors by only using young people in all the images, which the user will subliminally think the product can imitate for them. The Phase 'big battery' can pragmatically convey long jeverdy and a chance to extend life, this also relates to immortality.

In the end the adverts only implement 5/8 desires. I didn't want to over complicate the advert just to fit all 8 needs within the campaign as this would be unprofessional and could potentially destabilise the whole campaign. I've explained in the "8 hidden needs" blog post about the challenges of using all eight needs so I knew that it might not be possible to use them all. In the end I decided to choose the needs that were appropriate for the campaign and left out ones that didn't strengthened the design.

Even though 

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