Thursday 21 April 2016

COP2 - Interim Crit Feedback

For today's interim, I presented the following three adverts (below). We had to write down questions that we wanted to ask as they walked around. I found it very challenging to explain my concept of the adverts to the group. The main idea around the adverts was the implementation of the hidden needs. However, the hidden needs are subconsciously embedded into the adverts, so It became difficult to really explain about the hidden persuaders without going into to much detail. The questions I asked were:

Is the concept clear?
Does the colours related to each poster?
Is the technology brand reflected in the poster?

I kind of predicted the results of the feedback. It seemed that everyone was confused about what I was trying to achieve. People were mentioning things about the posters that either weren't relevant or were completely off topic. I couldn't really take anything from the feedback as it was more misleading and irrelevant then constructive. I then began to question whether people were just confused or whether the problem was due to the actually designs itself. The only piece of feedback I could take from this is to question my own concept and design. Making sure my concept is clear, even if the the hidden needs aren't obviously. The promotion behind Phonebloks still needs to be obvious and understandable for the consumer.

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