Wednesday 20 April 2016

COP2 - Module Phone Research

To get a better understanding of module phones, I undertook research to look into a few other companies that either sell or have created a module phone. It will give me a good awareness of what other companies are doing in terms of how they've began to promote and advertise their product.

There are currently no modular smart phones being sold on the market as modular smart phones are still a very new concept, which are currently under work to further develop the smart phone. Therefore, there are currently no advertising campaigns or promotional material out there that are launching the phone into the public space. The only material out there are adverts to create hype and awareness and to explain the concept of what modular phones are.

Even though this causes some issues, I will be essentially leading the way in terms of promoting phonebloks and modular smart phones to the consumer. Below are a few examples of promotional material I found that advertised the concept and idea of the new technology but not necessary selling the product to the public.

Phoneblok advert simply sums up the phones concept idea. Similar layout and aesthetics to Apple the advert doesn't give much away but promotes the phones concept in a minimal but curious fashion. The tagline "A phone worth keeping" emphasises the concept of a phone for life, one of the main benefits off the phone. In the imagery the spare phone pieces are positioned on the floor demonstrating the customisable feature the modular phone possesses.

From speculation the adverts introduces three desires from Packards list, selling love objects, creative outlets and immortality. Love object is communicated by using the term "phone worth keeping" these words demonstrate that the phone is yours for life and a phone that you can invest your time, effort and love into making it a personalise smart phone for you which also works in conjunction to selling the desire of immortality.

Simular set up to the Phoneblok advert. This advert is simply informing the public about the modular phone and what it can achieve in terms of sustainability. The style and aesthetic is very professional with its minimal approach. The phone is set up to demonstrate and show off it's modern prototype but it's also aiming the product at it's potential market of tech geeks.

The stripped back clean style is a representation of it's high efficient, intelligent design. If the overall layout and design of the advert was messy and more post-modern then the Eco-friendly factors wouldn't be relatable and viable from the advert.

The PuzzlePhone is another modular smart phone advert that is similar to the two above. Similar aesthetic and professionalism to Apple. Modern and clean approach around showing off the modular phone as an idea. The positioning of the phone is beautifully constructed, flawlessly illustrating it's modern positioning in the tech world. The design of smart phones are very important deciding factor when people choose what phone to buy, so by showcasing the phone as a flawless piece of technology will attract people's curiosity from an early stage.

The tagline again demonstrates the customability of the phone, making sure they emphasis that the phone is design and made for them. "Always new. Always you" exhibits the long jeverdy and customisable of the product. Similar to the Phoneblok advert this add demonstrates the same set of desires such as Creative outlets, love objects and immortality through the tagline.

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