Wednesday 20 April 2016

COP 2 - Target Audience

Before I start to sketch ideas and concepts based around Phoneblok I needed to understand who my target audience was. As no modular phone has been create so far, it's not evidently clear who the target audience is. By looking at the limited existing promotion material other companies have created It still doesn't give a clear indication as to who is the the target audience for modular phones and Phoneblok.

Therefore, It generally up to me to decide who I think the product should be aimed at, whether its a certain selection of people or everyone. Personally I felt that Phonebloks can revolutionise the way we used and interact with our phones. On this basis the phone should be targeted at everyone from all ages and backgrounds in an attempt the get as many people on board with this new piece of technology as possible. As the more people I can influence the bigger the phone will get, creating a sense of hype and exposure around the phone. Hopefully people will take notice and may start to reconsider or be influence by either friends or relatives who may buy the smart phone. If I aimed the phone at a selected group of people then its limiting how many people I can reach out too, so it's important to create a timeless advertising campaign which promotes and influences people to rethink and understand the benefits of Phoneblok.

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