Friday 22 April 2016

COP2 - Feedback For Idea 2

Today in our Cop session I asked Simon for his feedback. In the session the whole group walked around and gave everyone feedback on their work, so far. In this session It was very difficult to actually explain my idea through a few questions without me being there and explaining what I was trying to achieve, as my main goals were essentially all hidden within the design and weren't meant to be obvious. When I read my feedback at the end of the session it was evident that not many people understood what my concept or adverts was about. As so many people were confused I wanted to check with Simon to clarify whether or not I'm communicating my idea effectively.

After Simon looked through my posters he explained that what I had created for Phonebloks was indeed effective. He also noted that I was coming at the idea from a Graphic design viewpoint and not from an advertising perspective. Simon was totally right as I knew for a while that I was putting aesthetics first before concept. Simon also suggested that I should go back to using realistic photographs of people instead of using the isometric shapes of the camera, battery and the Mario figure as a communication tool to convey my message.

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