Tuesday 19 April 2016

COP2 - Who are Phonebloks?

When deciding what product I wanted to choose from I didn't have any specific area of interest in terms of what industry the product was in. My only guidelines when choosing a company was to choose a product that is relatively new and unknown to the public or industry its within and doesn't not have a big following. It wouldn't be wise to choose a product that already has solid branding, concept and graphic design as it will be harder for myself to create a successful advertising campaign based off the eight hidden needs when the current branding already implements theses techniques.

With all these consideration taking in account the company I ended up choosing was Phoneblok. Phoneblok is indeed a mobile phone but not like any normal phone you find. Phoneblok is a modular phone and a modular phones are a new type of smart phone made up with a number of pieces that can be swapped out for different kind of functionality, for example if the user wanted a more efficient batter life then they can sacrifice the camera part in order to fit in a bigger camera piece into the phone. Current projects such as Project Ara which is run by Google are working with Phoneblok and other similar companies to build working prototypes for the phone as modular phone are not available to buy at the moment in time. 

Some of the main benefits of a modular phone include:

A phone for Life - As the phone is rebuildable and completely customisable with access to any part of the smart phone, the phone will never break or become unusable. If any part of the phone because damaged then you can simply buy a new piece to replace the broken part. 

Customisable - Like my previous point about the long jeverdy of the phone customisation is endless. It's up to the user how they want to build their phone, ensuring a phone that reflects the needs of the customer. A photographer can customise the phone by buying a better camera part or someone who is into gaming can buy a better battery or graphic card to ensure a better gaming experience.

Affordable - In reference to Project Ara modular phones like Phoneblok would be the cheapest smart phone on the market. Google predicts that modular phones would start at only £35 for the first model.

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