Thursday 21 April 2016

COP2 - Primary Research - Images

The previous primary research blog gave me a starting point to understand the types of people the consumer finds most appealing and desirable on a subliminal level.  The series of adverts I'm using have three messages contained with them the ads and each one describes one advantage of the smartphones customisable feature and what the user can transform the phone into to make their life's richer. The messages are about gaming, adventure and love. So essentially my investigation for this research is to find the most effective image that represented and summed up each of these keywords. 

Research setup

I presented three images for each keyword I felt best represented the keyword and asked questions to 12 people to figure out how people reacted to each image and to get their feedback on the ones they felt were the most appropriate for the keyword.

The questions I asked for each keyword were:

Q1 - What image appeals to you most?
Q2 - What image do you associate with (keyword) the most?
Q3 - What image would appeal to a wide range of users?
Q4 - Is there any image in the selection that makes you want to be apart of that experience?

(Results are posted under each keyword below)


Answers for the keyword gaming:

Q1 - 2/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 5/12 people said #3
Q2 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q3 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 2/12 people said #2 --- 7/12 people said #3
Q4 - 0/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 7/12 people said #3



Answers for the keyword adventure:

Q1 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 6/12 people said #2 --- 3/12 people said #3
Q2 - 4/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 3/12 people said #3
Q3 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 7/12 people said #2 --- 2/12 people said #3
Q4 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 7/12 people said #2 --- 2/12 people said #3



Answers for the keyword Love:

Q1 - 4/12 people said #1 --- 2/12 people said #2 --- 6/12 people said #3
Q2 - 5/12 people said #1 --- 3/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q3 - 6/12 people said #1 --- 2/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q4 - 5/12 people said #1 --- 2/12 people said #2 --- 5/12 people said #3



The results of the experiment were very conclusive and a clear indication to what images people preferred the most. The noticeable trend I saw was that people preferred couple images overall images of groups of friends. I'm not 100% sure why this is but maybe its because people (mainly women)subliminally image their fantasy/fairytale life style with their partners acting on an reproductive instinct of some kind. The images also represents desires of worth, love objects and security embedded deep within so I feel this hidden needs plays a huge parts in terms of showcasing love and relationships.


As the deciding images were chosen through the investigation I wanted to introduce colour. For cop last year colour played a major part in terms of persuasion technique and colour can also emphasis emotions and feelings towards a particular image.

Again I asked the same similar question as the previous images but with only the image that was chosen by the people. Because this section of research is about colour theory, the chosen image has been overlay with three colours. These three colours are colours that I felt best suited the keyword. What I wanted to find out from people is what colour overlay they felt was most relevant to the keyword.

The questions were:

Q1 - What colour do you prefer?
Q2 - What colour do you associate with (keyword) the most?
Q3 - What colour would appeal to a wide range of users?
Q4 - what colour is your least favourite?


Answers for the keyword Gaming:

Q1 - 8/12 people said #1 --- 0/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q2 - 6/12 people said #1 --- 1/12 people said #2 --- 5/12 people said #3
Q3 - 8/12 people said #1 --- 0/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q4 - 1/12 people said #1 --- 9/12 people said #2 --- 2/12 people said #3





Answers for the keyword Love:

Q1 - 6/12 people said #1 --- 4/12 people said #2 --- 2/12 people said #3
Q2 - 5/12 people said #1 --- 6/12 people said #2 --- 1/12 people said #3
Q3 - 7/12 people said #1 --- 4/12 people said #2 --- 1/12 people said #3
Q4 - 0/12 people said #1 --- 0/12 people said #2 --- 12/12 people said #3





Answers for the keyword Adventure:

Q1 - 3/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 4/12 people said #3
Q2 - 1/12 people said #1 --- 4/12 people said #2 --- 7/12 people said #3
Q3 - 2/12 people said #1 --- 5/12 people said #2 --- 5/12 people said #3
Q4 - 9/12 people said #1 --- 2/12 people said #2 --- 1/12 people said #3





The results are what I predicted. Some colours used have stereotype connotations to them, so I thought they would be the most popular out off all the colours. For example the term 'gamer' is typically associated with boys and a stereotypical colour for a boy is blue. People chose a blue overlay based on what they've been taught from an early age, that are boys are blue and girls are pink. Within the gaming industry it's also commonly known that gaming is a boy's hobbies and girls can't play consoles. This subconscious stereotype is evident within the results of the research. Similar situation for adventure and love. Red is the colour of love so It wasn't a surprise to see that the red and pink colours got the most votes. The adventure image, Green was the most popular colour. This is probably because of the connotations green is associated with as a colour, which is organic, natural, environmental, fresh and wildlife which are all keywords that represents the words adventure.

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