Wednesday 20 April 2016

COP2 - Intial Ideas

Before I started to sketch out ideas, I wanted to first come up with a tagline. I've found it more effective to come up with a taglines first then start sketching out ideas based around that tagline. It's makes it easier for ideas flow once you come up with a catchy and cleaver strap line. Even in the early stages of jotting down potential taglines the ideas start flowing at a rapid speed.

Some of the taglines I came up with were:

  • For life's events
  • Created for you
  • For any occasion
  • Build Experiences
  • Connected
  • The building block of life
  • Build moments
I was trying to base the tagline around the word 'block' as the main concept. The idea around the word is the fact that you can take the phone apart and rebuild it however and whenever you want. I felt that this functionality is the most important feature of the whole phone and hopefully it will open peoples mind and make them reconsider this revolutionary technology

The tagline I decided to choose was "for any occasion" It summed up what I wanted the product to reflect and it was the tagline that I had the most ideas for in terms of design and how effective I could implement the hidden needs within. The main idea I had for the tagline was that the user could rearrange their phone to suit whatever they were doing. Going to a wedding? put a better camera in. Going on a hike? Put a bigger battery in. 

The first idea links heavily to the tagline. Demonstrating how the phone can be best used and embedded within important life events, whether good or bad. For a realistic feel the images would be made up with only photographs to show a number of life events and how the phone can be used to maximise that experience. The first thumbnail shows a mother giving birth and her husband who has customised his Phoneblok smartphone for a better camera uses it to take a photo of that life event. Another thumbnail shows a man who is lost but because he placed a bigger battery in his phone before he left to go hiking he still managed to have enough battery to call for help.

Until I go further then just the sketching phase I can't go into to much detail about how to implement the eight needs within the idea but at this early stage Its clear that I could implement a number of needs within many ideas below including this concept. Emotional security, creative outlets, love objects, sense of roots and immortality can be applied to these adverts in some form.

Second idea below was to have an illustrative vector image of what the phone can be turned into to benefit the user. A camera, a bigger battery and a gaming console. This is all hypothetically speaking because the phone won't actually turn into a camera or a gaming control but the idea behind the images is that you can make your phone into anything to fit the scenario or situation. If you want to play a number of games on your phone then simply add in a better memory or graphics card and the phone will turn into a powerful smart phone that can match up against a console.

The main illustrations (camera, battery and controller) will have a scenery along side them to demonstrate the best case scenarios to use the camera. It will also clarify the message while making the overall advert more visually and aesthetically engaging. For example the camera illustration will have a mountain scene along side it to reflect adventure because to go on adventure you would want a high quality camera to capture pictures and moments so it just gets the users imagination ticking with the number of endless possibilities off the phone.

The last idea is similar to the previous idea. It incorporates illustrative style of what the phone can transform into when needed. Instead of using scenes there is a shadow coming off the camera showcases what the camera would be more beneficial for. For example the camera is reflecting a mountain which demonstrates the potential opportunities you can do with the phone. It's similar to the previous idea but the scenery is swapped with a reflection. This idea is mainly influenced by Lego's campaign (image below).

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