Sunday 18 December 2016


The original concept of the campaign was based on both images from the 1960's of Bernie Sanders being arresting for protesting civil rights and Hillary Clinton showing support for segregationist, Barry Goldwater. The concepts demographic is prominently aimed at the black community as they were the most affected by segregation and have always been second class citizens in America. The image of Bernie Sanders on his own demonstrates a loyal dedication towards black people, he had fought for their rights. This portrays a man who sees everyone as equal and will stand up for people's rights no matter the consequences. 

In 1958 Martin Luther King was arrested for loitering (image below) this image gave the perfect opportunity to combined both images of Bernie and MLK together to create one powerful visual imagery to subconsciously place Bernie on the same level as MLK. Black people respond strongly to MLK he was their saviour and their leader who stood up to the government and said enough is enough. This emotional trigger will then be applied to Bernie Sanders subconsciously acting as their next leader without Bernie Sanders making it look as if he is taking over as the new MLK.

The black community will see the tagline "our fight for civil rights" and subliminally digest it as Bernie walking along side MLK fighting for their human rights. Two leaders together. The tagline avoids the issue of individuality and making it seem as if Bernie is taking over the fight from MLK, which could cast Bernie as being ignorant and cultural appropriating. Also, if you look closely you can see that MLK's body is positioned in front of Bernie's body, it's a minimal design decision but on a subconscious level it will act as a hierarchy; MLK always being their leader, always first, never forgotten, and Bernie will be the one who's supporting and carrying the legacy of MLK message.

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