Saturday 17 December 2016



Jubilat, a serif typeface and a typeface used by the current Bernie campaign. As a typeface, it represents strength, power, legibility and professionality, all attributes that you would need for such a series statment.Another way to see these attributes is how they also represent Bernie as a leader. Bernie is old, so by using strength and boldness as a typeface Bernie image is subconsciously transformed into someone who is a lot stronger and bolder than he seems. Also, the professionality of the typeface contributes to the overall credbility and the mode 'Ethos'. A sans serif typeface wouldn't be as professional looking especially when the subject area is so serious and visible to the world.


Sans-serif type. This font is softer and more contemporary but as I mentioned in the previous analysis, san-serif typeface doesn't represent the serious nature of the campaign. It doesn't represent strength and community, It's lighter, rounder and not as vigorous.  

I also looked at two more typefaces, Universe and Garamond. Universe represented more of a contemporary typeface that was trendy but essentially it didn't work due to the same reasons as Futura. Finally, Garamond as a serif typeface did work. The problem I found was the thinness width of the stems. Thin stems subtract from the boldness and strength, losing the overall impact. Essentially, the typeface would work as it contains all the professional attributes needed but it still doesn't compete with Jubilat.



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