Saturday 17 December 2016


The following blog post will discuss the further development of all ideas from the earlier initial sketches blog post. The discussion will be situated around the chosen aesthetic, individual design decisions, and brief expansion on the concept where necessary. Next, I will be looking at the different rhetorical techniques implemented with the design and demonstrating the impact it has on the overall concept. 


The aim of this poster is to portray Bernie Sanders as a politician that represents the minority community. A candidate that stands in solidarity and hears the cries of the American people. In order to represent this message the tagline "I'm with you" is used to inform this sense of community and personal connection by using the key term "I'm" as opposed to using 'we' or 'Bernie Sanders' which isn't as personal. 

The poster series that will run of this concept will feature all minorities and their communities in America. For the mock-ups below, the minority groups I've represented are Muslim, Black, Hispanic, Indian, and Tribal-Americans. Each poster will represent a group, red and yellow for China and so on. On the back of the poster will be policies from Bernie Sanders that will benefit that group of people, again, Chinese policies for the Chinese poster and so on.


The predominant rhetorical theory that has been implemented within this idea are Aristotle's modes of persuasion. We see a logical argument through the use of the information on the back of the poster. The poster claims that Bernie is with the people by using the phrase 'I'm with you', the policies on the back present solid proof of his commitments to that certain minority group.

Ethos is in use by the overall professional aesthetics of the poster and delivery. The area of focus is politics and the democratic nominee, so the tone and style should be professional and contemporary to represent the new wave of modern politics and a revolution that Bernie promises. The all-caps typeface 'circular' represents a contemporary, strong and bold aesthetic, all attributes that represent a professional portrayal of Bernie. The colour scheme alongside the typeface back up this style, emphasising individuality and boldness, a key element that allows the campaign to stand out and be seen by the masses. 

Pathos is evidenced by the use of colours, colours that will spark the patriotic side of the minority communities. The emotional feelings of their heritage and culture would be instilled within the colour schemes of each poster. The attachment from their background will be attached to Bernie, seeing him as their 'saviour' and leader. The policies on the back will also give an emotional sense of security, knowing and having confirmation of the promises Bernie has committed too. Even using the poster as a leaflet will allow all communities to carry the poster with pride.

Different posters representing 6 minority community within America with the policies on the back as shown.

Badges that the minority voters can wear which inputs the mode of Pathos through the attribute of pride and community.


The aim of this idea is to give voters, especially minorities their voice back. Minority groups are often seen as second-class citizens within the US but this campaign changes that, making sure they speak out on any issues or concerns they may have with Bernie or politics in general. Using the tagline 'Let's End...' the voter will enter the website and have the opportunity to submit political issues they might have. Once submitted the issues/messages will be used across a number of platforms such as leaflets, posters and digital displays (as you can see from the poster below). This functionality and the presentation of the issues raised by voters will portray Bernie Sander as a candidate who listens to people's concerns and someone who wants to interact with the people of America as their voices are the fundamental structure of America's future.


In terms of the triad model, here we can see Pathos and ethos. Logos wouldn't be evidence within this concept due to the information coming from the voters and not from Bernie Himself so the implementation of logos wouldn't be necessary. Pathos is found from the use of the colour scheme, the overall branding off Bernie uses the colours of the American flag. This colour scheme will implement a feel of patriotism and love for their country. The interactive nature of the campaign will appeal to their emotions of acceptance and passion, knowing that they can have a direct affect on what issues are raised and even see by other Americans. This feeling of passion and change will also be heightened by the tagline 'Let's end...' acting also as a war cry for change. Ethos is used in a similar context as the previous poster. Professional aesthetics portrays credibility and trust to the audience. The clean, contemporary style along with the big bold typeface and colour scheme, the overall campaign is professionally produced and visually attractive instead of a sloppy, unprofessional and confusing campaign.

Campaign website where the voters can submit their political concerns with either Bernie or other political issues

Campaign poster with a user submitted issue they want to bring to attention. 


The concept is to demonstrate that Bernie isn't an elitist politician who's agenda is to represent the 1% but an ordinary human who represents the everyday person. Bernie fights for everyone including minorities, he isn't a politician who stands around and watches minorities being unfairly treated. By using photos of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton as university students to represents their mindsets and how they were as ordinary people (to a certain extent) before becoming influential politicians. Bernie Sanders campaigned and protested for civil right and in the 1960's and as a result got arrested for it. This, in essence, presents Bernie as a compassionate human being, who fights alone side minorities so they can have freedom even when his freedom is already secured for life due to white privilege.  In contrast to Bernie's photo, there is a photo of Hillary Clinton in the 1960's holding a sign which advocates her support for Barry Goldwater, a segregationist.


Right off the bat we can see that the concept revolves around the 'lesser evil' rhetorical topoi, by having Bernie and Hillary going against each other and the objective of the concept is to portray Bernie as the (minorities) people's champion and Hillary as the segregationist and upper class white woman who represents only the wealthy. Out of all ideas, this one had the most effective use of the triad model. The emotional mode of Pathos is strongly injected into the visual images. The image of Bernie will feed on people's compassion and connection with Bernie. It represents him as a leader who has battled for minorities all his life and isn't one to just stand around and watch. Emotionally, it will connect to the black community but also all minority communities who know the struggle and by seeing a white male fighting for their civil rights we subconsciously link Bernie to the qualities of MLK. Hillary's photo, on the other hand, will be the complete opposite, it will persuade voters to feel rage and disappointment; to also see Hillary as a candidate who will not able to support the minority community not because her abilities but because it's evident from the photo that she hasn't been supportive of civil right and what's to say she doesn't still hold the same views today.

Ethos can be seen from the image of Bernie Sanders, the tagline 'Our Fight, For Civil Rights'  is a big statement to make, which will need some kind of proof. The proof would be Bernie being arrested for protesting for civil rights. This aspect will instantly give credibility to the statement and the same applies for the statement about Hillary supporting segregation. If these elements aren't enough proof of credibility then the posters will have a bit of text to add context to the poster so it becomes as clear as possible and in return adds more potency as everyone will understand the concept and not only guess from the image. Logos, similar to the set up to Ethos is seen within the image and headline information. The headline statement for both Bernie and Hillary is a fact, which is a logical and reasonable argument, therefore, a successful implementation of Logos.

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