Saturday 17 December 2016


Colour will play an important role in how the overall message will be received. Not just received but also how strong the persuasion will also be. Colour evokes emotion and emotion is the rhetorical mode of 'Pathos', out of everything, the colour will be the most important design element when it comes to emotional persuasion within my campaign.

In order to discover what certain colour evokes a certain emotion, I assembled primary research to see what the best colour was to represent Bernie in a good light and Hillary in a bad light. In the research below, I asked four questions to around  23 people in total.  

Bernie Sanders Research

What I wanted to get out of the primary research for Bernie was what the most effective colour to use in regards to approachability, likeability, and patriotic. Making sure to avoid colours that give off a sense of danger, as this may lessen the effectiveness from the meaning of the image. 
The results were:

What colour Increases likeability of the image? = Black and white WINS
What colour makes you feel alarmed? = Red WINS
What colour is most patriotic with America? = Blue WINS
What colour makes the image less impactful = Purple WINS


The results definitely answer some of my worries, Purple is the top colour that makes the impact of the image less effective. Red came out on top for the colour that evokes danger, which is no surprise as the colour has also been associated with danger and panic. Not a good choice for Bernie's overall portrayal but may be effective as an emotional trigger for Hillary. The patriotic question was a bit problematic to ask. The questions were asked to British people of all ages, which means we don't really understand American patriotism in itself. But in a way, we may do... the British flag has the same colours as the American flag, therefore, British people can essentially answer this questions based on the same colour scheme and see what colour they favour and from their base an assumption of the credibility of the result. It was tight between red and blue but blue took the top spot.  Blue also is very appealing, calming and approachable, therefore could be the option to pick in order to portray Bernie and the image of Bernie in a professional and approachable manner.

Hillary Clinton

What I want to get out of the Hillary research is the opposite from Bernie's research. I wanted to find the most horrid and off-putting colour, a colour that will subliminally attach onto Hillary and act as an emotional trigger every time anyone from the minority groups sees her. I'm trying to portray Hillary as a horrible person who is against the progression of minorities across America, a potential president that minorities detest and reject for her beliefs when she was younger. We already have the beginnings of this approach by using the damaging photo of Hillary supporting a segregationist and the implementation of colour will only excel this emotional persuasion. The results were:

What colour makes you feel at ease/cool? = Blue WINS
What colour makes you feel alarmed? = Red WINS
What colour is most disgusting? = Brown WINS
What would you avoid? = Red WINS


In conclusion, the colours to avoid using with Hillary is blue, black and white, green, purple as these colours seem to have the less impact in regards to disgust. It seems to be out of red and brown. Red is a successful colour in terms of danger as explained above in the Bernie research. There is no surprise that brown came out top for most disgusting colour. This colour is the same colour used in the previous blog post, where I spoke about Pantone 448 C and it's use on cigereet packets. It is the world's worst colour, so applying this colour to Hillary's photo should hopefully apply the same persuasive effect it has on putting off a current smoker or new smokers from buying the cigarette cartons.

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