Saturday 17 December 2016


I went into today's session in order to show the first visuals for my concept (below). The questions I wanted to ask were the following: 

Is the tagline strong enough?
Does the concept work with the images of Bernie and Hillary?
Do I need to other collateral to back up the poster series?


Is the tagline strong enough?
After I explain the tagline and how it fits within the concept along with how the rhetorical techniques make the tagline stronger, Simon's reaction was all positive and no constructive feedback was given. 

Does the concept work with the images of Bernie and Hillary?
Again, not much was said by Simon but the concept was received fairly positively. Simon suggested looking into other options and avenues that I could achieve with the images. But agree with me that I demonstrate Bernie as the good guy and Hillary as the villain. Demonstrating Aristotleans topoi of 'the lesser evil'

Do I need to other collateral to back up the poster series?
Simon explained that a poster series wouldn't be sufficient enough in terms of the module. He also said about how rhetoric works across all forms of a political campaign from leaflets to even a web presence. With this in mind, I will start to see how I can apply my concept to more collateral as it would essentially expand the number of people it reaches and therefore allowing the rhetorical persuasion to have a bigger impact.

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