Saturday 17 December 2016


From the previous blog post, I listed a few issue that could have affected Bernie's chance to win the democratic nominee. Upon further review, I decided to choose one issue that had the most potential to be integrated within my practical project and visual communication as a whole. There were a few issues that couldn't be communicated within visual communication, such as the issue about Bernie's ability to build relationships within the Democratic party. It's not an issue that will encourage voters to vote but it's an issue that is internal and away from public view. In contrast, the minority issue is very real. The minority vote makes up around 13% of the vote so this issue if solved effectively could win Bernie the nominee.

The issues that surround minorities and the black community was the biggest issue that was raised over and over again. Anyone from outside the US would think that Bernie's policies would appeal and connect with blacks. But unfortunately, this is not true. Below, I have broken down further the reasons why the black community didn't support Bernie in his quest for the Democratic nominee.

What Black Voters Want

The black community as a historically marginalised group is always looking for better opportunities economically. They want access to better jobs. Under Bill Clintons administration there was a significant drop in black employment and with a growth in the black middle class. With this in mind, black people prospered under Bill Clinton and essentially would like to see that again with Hillary Clinton.

Black people want to stop gun violence or at lease address it. Gun violence affects the whole black community from rich to poor. Therefore, they look for politicians who can help with their struggle with gun violence and who share their views on the matter. But this is where Bernie stumbles, Bernie has a connection with the National Rifle Association who donated thousands of dollars to help Bernie get elected. This has no doubt caused scepticism within the black community and trust in Bernie's loyalties.

Why White Liberals Don’t Get Black Voters

Within American society, a lot of white people don't have black friends. Therefore, there is a massive disconnect in what white people think of black people. The majority of Bernie's supporters are young whites and white independents. What this means is Bernie's supporters don't often interact with the black community. If you are not interacting with black people then understanding their needs or wants as a black American. Even from the Bernie campaign they struggle to understand how to connect to black people and what issues truly matter to them.

Why Black Voters Aren’t Feeling The Bern

Black people are the poorest community within America. The median net worth of black people is only 11 thousand compared to 141 thousand for white people. Bernie never attempted to build relationships with black leaders, according to black leaders from Bernie's home state of Vermont, they suggest that he ignored them and their needs. Bernie has shown support against the mass incarceration of the blacks but hasn't attempted to tackle this issue within his own state, which shows hypocrisy and false pretences.


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