Saturday 17 December 2016


I developed three concepts in a previous blog post and the idea below (IDEA 3) is the one that I've chosen to move forward with. The idea of contrasting photos of Bernie and Hillary was the only idea that I could successfully implement the most rhetorical theories. The triad model, five canons and Aristotle's topoi can all be implemented successfully within not only the poster series but across all collateral. The below analysis demonstrates how many rhetorical methods is used within each idea to give the best indication of what the best idea is. It's an efficient method in order to quickly evaluate each idea in comparison to the rhetorical methods.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = YES, through the use of informative policies on the back of the poster.
Ethos = YES & no, no credible source. The only source of credibility is through the professional design aesthetics.
Pathos = YES, through the demonstration of colour schemes to represent different minority groups within America.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality of Bernie Sanders has been implemented.
Arrangement = YES, Hierarchy is represented effectively through the use of large text to let the user know what they should be looking at first and the arrangement of the information on the back.
Memory = YES, policies on the back, back up the statement on the front, demonstrating the knowledge needed to back up the statement on the front.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = NO, as the facts and information will be coming from the voters and no Bernie Sanders.
Ethos = YES & NO, no credible source. The only source of credibility is through the professional design aesthetics.
Pathos = YES, by using the American colour scheme of blue, red and white injection the compassionate emotion of loyalty, but apart from that the Pathos isn't as strong

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality of Bernie Sanders has been implemented.
Arrangement = YES, through the use of large text and organising the website and posters into coloured sections for an efficient user journey and to let the user know that the information is in sections. Vibrant colours (blue & red) being the most important and the neutral (white & grey) being least important.
Memory = NO, as all the information is coming from voters so this canon doesn't apply.
Delivery = YES this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = The campaign's message is stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = YES, through the tagline and information claiming a logics and reasonable argument.
Ethos = YES, what's being claimed or stated is evidently backed up by the images of Bernie and Hillary. For example, Hillary is a segregationist support and this claim is backed up by the image of her supporting Barry Goldwater who is a segregationist.
Pathos = YES, through the use of images, colour and type.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality of Bernie Sanders has been implemented.
Arrangement = YES, through a number of design decisions, such as type, imagery, and colour.
Memory = YES, through the small paragraph of text adding context and educating voters on the message of the campaign.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = YES, by comparing Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton against each other. Hillary being the villain and Bernie being the saint.
Future Fact = NO
Past Fact = YES, because the campaign is claiming that the past could influence the future. If Hillary becomes president then her thoughts and opinions from the 1960's may still be the same today, therefore, severely damaging the progress of miniorites in America.
Possible/Impossible = NO

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