Saturday 17 December 2016


Today was the first 1 to 1 feedback session where my practical was discussed instead of the essay. Coming into the session I had a rough idea of the direction I wanted to take practical work.
The direction at this time was to create a pro-Trumpp poster series trying to persuade the liberals and especially Bernie Sanders supporters to trust Donald Trump as president. Taking his most controversial policies such as the 'building of the wall' and these seem more reasonable and necessary for the greater good for America. By understanding this approach and having an effective concept, I can begin to apply one or more appropriate rhetorical theories discussed within the essay to maximise the strength of the overall campaign.

Simons feedback was mixed. He suggested it was doable but that his main issue would be that Trump's campaign was ultimately successful so it is difficult to improve or suggest an area where he failed. Another point was that I should focus my efforts on an area that I would be happy to be involved with professionally. This is a very good point as I wouldn't want to create work that promotes a person like Trump as it could reflect negatively on me professionally and would be a controversial piece for my portfolio.  Lastly, Simon suggested looking into Bernie Sanders and what could have been done to make his campaign a success. Understand what went wrong and then apply the rhetorical theories to improve his communication.

In conclusion, Simons feedback was very helpful and constructive. I will take it on board and see where I want to go in terms of the area of politics I want to look into. Simon's scepticism around the Trump idea was totally valid and correct. As a person, I dislike Donald Trump so creating a campaign around his success wouldn't be an exciting project to work on whereas Bernie Sanders would be the complete opposite and a person I would want to investigate.

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