Saturday 17 December 2016


This idea is to demonstrate all of the minority groups within America. Groups such as Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, Chinese and Indians. To present Bernie as a figure who supports and fights for them, the poster would proudly say 'I'm with you' showing solidarity with all. There will be a series of posters with the same tagline but a different colour scheme that would represent each minority, for example, black and white colour scheme to represent the black community and red and yellow colours to represent the Chinese community.

The benefits of this idea are to demonstrate to the whole minority community that they are being heard. A lot of the time communities may not feel like they are important so this represents Bernie who hears all communities no matter what ethnicity or culture. Another benefit is expanding the poster series into stickers, badges and so on. The stickers would have the same concept colour scheme as the poster so each community can wear their own colours to show pride in their community but to demonstrate to the public that Bernie supports each and every minority group in America. The posters can also be made into a leaflet, by adding policies that will benefit each minority community. In other words, for the Chinese poster, on the back will list all policies and issues that Bernie will tackle that directly affects the Chinese community. The poster then becomes more personal and a tangible object that people can proudly keep on their person.

Next idea is an interactive feature that can easily be communicated across all kinds of collateral but especially digital. The idea is that people can engage with what they want from their politicians. People being heard is a key factor in gathering votes within a presidential election or elections in general. Therefore, the campaign begins with a website, where voters can input their issues they have with politics or in this case a 'candidate' on the website. Once submitted their issues will be displayed through a number of avenues, such as a poster, leaflet or digital displays around the country.

In other words, the campaign would choose issues submitted through the website and then presents them on all kinds of collateral. How it would work on, say a poster, the poster will have the tagline 'Let's End...' and then below will be the issues raised by a member of the public who submitted through the website. This idea demonstrates an interactive approach, making sure everyone is heard and not forgotten and will allow Bernie Sanders to collect important data from potential voters which can be used to understand the needs and biggest issues facing all American but most importantly minorities.

The last idea would represent Bernie as the 'good guy' and Hillary as the villain. Using photos of both of them when they were in college and from these images exposing them both on their attitudes, actions and opinions back in the 1960's. For example, Bernie Sanders was arrested in the 1960's for protesting civil rights will portray Bernie as an ordinary compassionate man who represents all and who stands side by side with the minority community. Then the picture of Hillary Clinton from the 1960's supporting a segregationist Barry Goldwater, which is a complete contrast to the kind of person Bernie was. It represents Hillary as a segregationist and an elitist who serves the rich and powerful. These two photos will be what the whole concept is run off, demonstrating that Bernie walks along the path of greats such as MLK, where Hillary walks along the path of elitists. Really emphasising the different lives Bernie and Hillary lived growing up; showing the American people and the minority community that Hillary isn't a president for them by incorporating the tagline 'choose the right fight, the fight with Bernie'.

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