Saturday 17 December 2016


By identifying areas where Bernie lost the election will give me a good understand of what went wrong and what could be improved on. Once all areas have been investigated then we can start to look into how Bernie Sanders campaign could have been improved to make that certain area stronger. For example, if Bernie's attempt at a political revolution or his socialist views worried voters then how could his campaign attempt to reassure his voters that these ideas were the best for the future of America. Or did Bernie not address these problems and only aim his campaign at voters who were supportive of these views.

Below is the following issue that could of cost Bernie the Democratic nominee for president:

Lost the minority vote

Bernie couldn't convince minority voters. Sanders either tied or won the white vote in nearly every state beating Hillary Clinton by significant margins. Bernie struggled and lost minorities in the big, diverse states such as Florida, Virginia, Texas, New York, and Arizona which all those states have a majority of Black and Latino demographic. Essentially it all comes down to Sanders inability to connect with minorities. He struggled to sell his vision to these communities but would be the nominee if his vision was sold correctly. But they overwhelmingly rejected him and therefore, he lost.

Money and building relationships

By the end of may Bernie raised $212 million to Clinton's $205 million. This fact is proof that money isn’t the be-all, end-all in politics. Hillary has spent decades building relationships within the democratic party and the senate. This factor alone is worth more than hundreds of million and to a certain extent, you can't buy relationships and influence. Bernie as a democratic socialist hasn't built many relationships, he is often seen as a lone figure who has had to build relationships from scratch.

Democratic National Committee

A Russian hacker who leaked official Democratic National Committee documents showing that officials of the democratic parties and also elites within the media were working with Clintons campaign dating back to 26th of May 2015. Coincidently this date the official day Bernie launched his big for the Democratic nomination. 

Within the documents, they highlight details about how the DNC would work hand-in-hand with the media to discredit any other nominee from the republican party. They also pointed out how they would highlight Hillary's positive whilst downplaying her negative points.

Bernie Sander is 75 years old and if he was elected president would be the oldest person ever to become president. Age is a factor that instantly goes against any candidate. Hillary has tried to avoid the question about age and when she almost fainting while on the campaign trail, her capability came into question. Bernie is 6 years old then Hillary and therefore, a lot of people would be sceptical of Bernie ability to run for president. 

"The job is too important to entrust to a 75-year-old man, and it’s too hard to remove an impaired president. Whatever positive attributes he has for the job, voters need to face the fact: Sanders is just too old."

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