Saturday 17 December 2016


Below are two posters, Pro and anti-trump posters. The analysis of them will compare and contrast the rhetorical methods seen in both and to understand how both parties approach the persuasive methods differently.

This poster depicts Trumps as superman, a fictional superhuman who saves the world but in this case ‘saving America’. In analysing the poster within the realms of the three rhetorical theories this poster implements elements off all three theories. Ethos is presented through the use of superman as the main focus of the poster. Ethos in visual communication is made stronger by citing a famous celebrity, scientist or a trustworthy figure who can boost the overall credibility of the message, therefore, making it more acceptable by the viewer. The portrayal of Superman has a number of traits such as superhuman, hero, strong, charming, and charismatic, attributes that represent Trump as a strong leader of the people. Pathos is implemented by the use of American colours/flag and the tagline. The flag and its red, white and blue colour scheme install a sense of nationalism. Americans as people are extremely patriotic and loyal to their country, so by implementing the American flag alongside the tagline “Make America Great Again” this will directly strike the emotions of the voter, and in return be more exposed, blinded and persuaded by their nationalistic feelings than their logical, rational senses. Overall, this strengthens the portrayal of Trump as a leader, the bearer of progression and the leader of the people's president. Through the tagline, the mode Logos can be found. “Make America Great Again” is important to Trump's audience, It sends a message of revolution and nationalism. Even though the poster doesn’t contain any facts or figures, it’s still direct with the message. Implemented facts or statistics about the state of America could be too tedious to comprehend by the voter within a short amount of time, By exclaiming “Make America Great Again” it quickly puts everything into perspective. It’s about presenting a logical message that makes sense with the user beliefs and current understanding of the state of America.

Donald Trump is a controversial figure who’s personality and professionalism is sometimes questioned. Personality is an important and effective rhetorical tool if implemented within visual communication. Personality makes a poster more approachable, down to earth and visually exciting to view. Design without personal, especially in circumstances where the poster is trying to persuade voters to vote for the candidate, can come across boring, lifeless and distant. When we view Trump's poster we can see aspects of his personality within it. ‘Style’ is one of the five rhetorical canons that can be seen on the poster and is the only canons which discusses the importance of personality. Through the use of colour, tone, and imagery we get an insight into who Trumps is. The depiction of Trump as superman, the bright colour scheme and rhetorical trope ‘hyperbole’ in ‘Super Trump’ we can come to the conclusion that all these elements portray Trump as fun, relatable, and ordinary instead of strict, uptight and down to earth which in reality maybe true but it's effective when persuading the working and middle class. However, in some situations, the use of creative voice and personality can sometimes be misconstrued in a negative manner. Even though Trump comes off as fun and humorous it can be seen as unprofessional. Trump is running for president, one of the toughest and demanding jobs in the world and for someone to portray themselves as ‘fun’ may be may be negative as people see the president as professional, smart and a representative to the rest of the world.

When analysing Topoi, it’s clear from the poster that the topoi ‘possible’ or ‘impossible’ is in effect. This topos considered whether not the message is possible or impossible. By looking at the poster or Trump acting as Superman, it’s clear that what Trump is suggesting is impossible through imagery. He isn’t a superhero but portraying himself as such will still persuade voters as they subconsciously apply the traits of Superman onto Trump.

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