Saturday 17 December 2016


Upon conducting primary and secondary research the main problem and issues that the UK public faced leading up to the referendum were being misled by false facts from both sides. The UK government along with both the 'remain' and 'leave' campaign all promised a number of false statements, statements that mislead voters and in which could potentially make them vote for something they don't really understand fully. This was the biggest problem I found through my research. To solve this problem, the concept of this campaign will aim to promote the use of fact checking.

On the side of the Remain camp, the approach I will be taking will be as if the Remain camp either fixed up their lies or didn't lie at all from the very beginning but the Leave camp still heavily lying and misleading voters. The campaign will run alongside the main campaign and will be in collaboration with Full Fact an independent factchecking charity within the UK. The campaign is meant to demonstrate transparency and openness with the British public. The concept will make sure the public are educated and not persuaded by misleading promises, the referendum is unfathomable but as long as the public know their facts they can make the right decision for them and this country but with the rhetorical techniques we can implement persuasive methods to stray over to the remaining camp and view the left party as a liar and politicians who would rather lie for their own benefit then, to tell the truth, and give the public transparency.

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