Sunday 18 December 2016


The following colour choices are as follows:

Bernie Sanders poster

For the Bernie Sanders poster, I decided to go with blue. With all things considered in terms of primary research, blue was the best colour to represent the overall message. In the primary research, blue came on top for the most patriotic colour and the top colour for approachability/attractiveness. These two attributes demonstrate a colour that voters can engage with as it will be visually attractive and engaging enough to entice voters to read on. Having a patriotic appliance will ensure a loyalist approach filling all minority communities with passion and a drive to make America, their America. To emphasise the notion of passion and drive, the image of Bernie and MLK in the background will know doubt spur the fire within their belly, a passion for drive and passion for revolution, to continue the fight of Bernie and MLK.

Hillary Clinton poster

The findings from the primary research and the investigation into the Pantone 448 C, aka officially the world's worst colour, were the premise for the final colour choice. The panton represented disgust and off a vile nature. The image of Hillary holding the sign already represents an America that was backwards in the 1960's and the aim is to still apply that stigma to Hillary in the 21st century. With an already damaging photo the appliance of Panton 448 C, should excel this sense of disgust and vileness that the minority communities will attach onto Hillary. The colour should be an emotional trigger for whenever they see Hillary or the colour in a separate scenario. Ensure Hilary is always seen as an eyesore to all minorities in America.

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