Saturday 7 January 2017



Aristotle's Topoi

Aristotle's topoi of 'Future fact' and 'Past facts' are both used to demonstrate a fragile sense of what can come in the distant future and what has already come as a result. The topoi are evident through the use of textual headlines and imagery. In regards to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton creative the headline reads 'our fight for civil rights' and 'Hillary's fight against civil rights', this builds a picture of the past, and a past where Bernie and Hillary had very different attitudes and paths in life. In the 1960's Bernie fought for and was arrested for protesting civil right and in contrast, Hillary Clinton supported segregationist Barry Goldwater. In regards to the headline and its persuasive undertones the imagery portrays a sense of past actions. This is the struggle that Bernie and MLK faced in the past so let's not repeat it. The topoi of 'Past Fact' is the main argument to strive for a better future. It allows a passion and fire inside of the black community to manifest into a determination to continue the battle for justice and equal rights for not only the black community but for all. On the other hand, the topoi of 'Past fact' generates a contrasting feel for Hillary Clinton. With her supporting a segregationist the topoi builds a worrying sign of the impending struggle for minorities. The topoi argument is that past attitudes and actions may repeat or continue if Hillary is elected. This very sense of the past will no doubt strike a sense of fear and anger into the black community and all minority in America. 

The 'Future fact' topoi inject an impression of what will happen if the voters vote for that candidate. For the Bernie Sanders creative, the imagery expresses that if the voters vote for Bernie the future will legacy can continue; the passion for change and equality possessed by MLK can continue to strive through the embodiment of Bernie. Bernie alongside MLK fought for equality, therefore, in a subconsciously approach the use of MLK and his successful characteristics are applied onto Bernie Sanders to lead the way and continue the legacy of MLK. In regards to Hillary Clinton and 'Future Fact' argument, it's a complete contrast of the positive future that awaits Bernie Sanders. The portrayal of Hillary Clinton as a segregationist argues that this is the future if Hillary Clinton is elected. Her backwards beliefs that she held in the 1960's would be the foundations of the future, a future led by a supporter of segregation. This Topoi should instil an incentive to distance themselves away from Hillary and to get up and vote for Bernie. 

The last Topoi used is the 'Lesser evil' topoi, it creates a battle between two parties but one party is portrayed at the good guy and the other as the bad guy. In this instance, Bernie Sanders is seen as the good guy, the saviour of freedom and hope for all minorities. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is depicted as the evil one, the person who is against minorities and in favour of segregation. All three topoi set the foundations for the arguments and the other two rhetorical theories are used in effect to implement persuasive methods to coax voters to vote in favour of Bernie Sanders.

Aristotle's Triad model

The creative of Bernie and Hillary implement all three of Aristotle's triad model to maximise the effective rhetorical argument through logic, emotional appeal and credibility. 

Bernie Sanders Creative

Logos, the appliance of a logic argument through facts and statistics is implemented through the use of imagery and text. The campaign's headline "Our fight for Civil rights" makes the argument that Bernie has fought for civil rights, which is a massive fact to make that could cause controversy and damage to the reputation if proven false. This argument is justified by the image of Bernie being arrested for protesting civil right and the short except underneath the image adds context to the image for any confused people. Within an instance, this gives the fact credibility and truth as the argument is evidently proven by the use of the image of Bernie being arrested and the information adds descriptions and provides an explanation of what and when it happened. 

Ethos takes on the role of credibility. Credibility can be evident in a number of ways for the Bernie Sanders creative; through the design aesthetics and imagery. A similar approach to Logos, the imagery provides credibility as the argument is clearly backed up by the image of Bernie being arrested. This creates a sense of trust as what the campaign suggests can clearly be evidence through the image with no speculation or uncertainty about it as it's indisputable to see. In regards to design, the aesthetic approach can add trust of a credible nature. The subject matter is politics so the design decision and aesthetics must portray a sense of a serious quality. Politics as a whole be presented as professional in order to represent the serious aspect of the sector, so by reflecting a professional aesthetic, this will only communicate a credible reputation and a campaign where the audience feels represented and where they know the subject is being approached in the correct manner. Professional elements can be seen in all the aspects of the design. The sophisticated and minimal colour scheme of blue, red and white depicts a patriotic approach while the minimal layout communicates a legible and modern layout, appropriate for modern politics and an easy read campaign. The serif typeface depicts a professional aesthetic to combine all elements together to create a portrayal of modernist and professional style.

Pathos is implemented in all aspects of the design to create an emotional incentive to repeal away from Hillary and vote for Bernie. First, the colour scheme of the American flag is an efficient way to inject a sense of patriotism and loyalty to America. Therefore, these attributes will be applied onto Bernie Sanders, connecting him with America. The dominant colour of blue is used to communicate the associations that come with the colour, blue represents approachability, calmness, trust, loyalty, and confidence all attributes that will implement positivity into Bernie Sanders. The imagery enforces loyalty, trust and continuation of a legacy; this is through the use of MLK and Bernie Sanders together. The campaign demonstrates that Bernie Sanders is there for minorities but predominantly the black community and by using the image of Bernie Sanders being arrested for protesting civil right will undoubtedly represent Bernie as the true leader to serve the black community in the fight for justice and equal rights. The use of MLK alongside Bernie Sanders will subconsciously apply the leadership qualities and legacy onto MLK. Both Bernie and MLK was arrested for protesting for equal rights therefore, the similarities and traits of MLK are already connecting to Bernie. The persuasive goal is for the voters to subconsciously apply their feeling and emotions from MLK onto Bernie Sanders; seeing him as their leaders to continue the legacy of MLK. The last emotional trigger is through the use of the headline and tagline. The headline reads "Our Fight For Civil Rights" which in itself demonstrates the true injustice for equal right for all. Using the term 'We' establishes a community approach, keeping clear of the individual 'I' which could come across as insensitive and selfish to the topic at hand. The tagline "Choose the right fight, the fight with Bernie" instils a sense of progress and uprise against the injustice that minority community face. It creates a fire in the belly and a reason to stand up and vote for Bernie Sanders as he is the candidate that will bring stability and fairness to America.

Hillary Clinton Creative

Logos, similar to the creative of Bernie Sanders, Logos is noticeable through the use of imagery and text. The creative is making a logical argument that Hillary Clinton supports segregation through the headline "Hillary's Fight Against Civil Rights"; this assumption is evidenced by the image. The image shows Hillary in the 1960's holding a sign which clearly supports the segregationist Barry Goldwater, which is enough evidence to support the argument that Hillary supports segregation. Even if the image was taken years ago, the facts are clear as day and the damage will depend on the interpretation from the American voters. 

Ethos again is evidenced through the use of imagery and design aesthetic to implement a credible and trustworthy approach. The statement made about Hillary being in support of segregation is supported by the image, which in return provides a source of integrity. Modern aesthetic to represent the serious subject matter of the next president of the United States. Professionalism through the typeface and the modern and simplistic layout to ensure maximum readability for all voters. The colour scheme is the only difference to the Bernie creative. The colour scheme is more harsh, unpatriotic and in a nutshell unappealing to most. This could affect the overall credibility of the creative but the presentation of the creative is still professional, the colour scheme doesn't distract or subtract away from the professionalism of the layout and typeface as the overall structure and hierarchy are still reinforced, which secure the overall professional setting.

Pathos is seen again through all design elements. First, the image creates a sense of anger, frustration, and disgust. If the campaign is aimed at the black community and minorities then the last thing these Americans want to see is an image of Hillary Clinton in a posh outfit supporting a segregationist; it's the complete opposite to what the black community seeks in a president. The majority of black people are from a working class system with little to no income who live in rough neighbourhoods in the suburbs of America. By witnessing a young Hillary Clinton with a white privilege lifestyle is so far fetch from normality for black people. It's in complete contrast to the image of Bernie Sanders that captures feelings of hope and freedom. The image along with the overlay of colour will only spur on these feelings of disgust. The colour used is officially the 'world's worst colour' but known as Pantone 448 C. The associations of this colour are in complete contrast to the patriotic American blue used in the Bernie creative. The colour is used on cigarette cartons to make cigarettes seem disgusting and horrid to even think about using. These are the attributes that will undoubtedly be used against Hillary to construe the way people perceive Hillary. The persuasive technique of colour would have a successful continuation through other avenues. Subconsciously, when voters see pictures of Hillary outside of the campaign the indoctrination of the colour should shape their perception of her continue to evoke feelings of disgust, making the rhetoric extensively more effective in the long run. The last emotional approach is the headline, the headline reads "Hillary's fight against Civil Rights" this headline in effective will first grab the curiosity and disgust of any potential voters of a minority. It's a statement to truly spur hate for Hillary, it's a damaging statement which would give an incentive for voters to vote for Bernie who is being portrayed as leaders of hope for all minorities.
By not using "We" it creates an 'us' again them attitude, which continues the oppression felt by minorities and again will create feelings of disconnect.

Aristotle's Five Canons of Rhetoric

Bernie Sanders Creative

Invention - Is the process of coming up with the idea and the development stages, which can not essentially be analysed on the final creative. However,  Invention is found through the beginning stages through documentation through primary and secondary research, and idea development. The problem found was that Bernie Sanders lost the minority vote which Hillary Clinton won, therefore, the is what sort of concept can we come up with that portrays Bernie Sanders as the 'saviour' of the minority community and portrays Hillary as the monster and an elitist politician against minorities. Once the concept is established, how can we apply visual rhetoric discussed in our essay to effectively emphasise the persuasion and demonstrate the link between rhetoric and visual communication through the application of three rhetorical theories? In essence, that is the Invention process.

Delivery - This canon will be evidence through the collateral and is documented in the 'collateral in context'. In essence, the Delivery is taking into account of the presentation application of the final creative. Through exploration through flyers, badges, website, and posters we being to effectively persuade a wide range of the minority community all across America to vote for Bernie Sanders. The application of the collateral is extremely vital; if the campaign was visible in only rich white neighbourhoods then the full potential is missed. The target audience is minorities, so the campaign must be visible in these areas. (more on this subject in the blog post, Collateral in context)

Style - Style is the only canon that hasn't been fully implemented. Style is about evidencing creative voice and personality. This can be seen in the appliance of patriotic colours to portray Bernie as patriotic and a loyalist. However, It's essential to not overstep the mark between showing the personality of the candidate and losing credibility. If you show too much of your personality you lose the professionalism as evidenced in the campaign where Donald Trump is dressed as Superman. The overall advertisement is childish and taking the serious nature of the potential president and making a mockery as if it were a reality show, It essentially loses all forms of Ethos. This is essentially the reason why Style hasn't been implemented, due to the serious nature of the subject at hand. Keep it credible, neutral, but above all keep it professional.

Arrangement - Arrangement is evident through page structure and information hierarchy. Clearly demonstrating what elements of the page are essential for the voters and what aren't as important. The fist thing that instantly sticks out is the red box contrasting against the blue. The information inside the box is essential to the campaign, so is highlighted with a high contrast colour. The image is also extremely important for the voter as the image and the headline works in conjunction with each other. Each one enforces the other. The Bernie Sanders logo is another essential piece of the hierarchy, it's an important element as voters need to quickly establish who the campaign is run by;  they may be short on time and can't fully digesting the whole concept. It's colourful and against a neutral background to fully maximise visibility and readability.

Memory - Memory is the ability to recite information. Memory demonstrates that you know more information than what you actually portray. The information is the statement or fact made that Bernie can lead the black community and minorities to freedom and better America for them all. The ability to recite information is through the image, which in itself adds Aristotle's Ethos and Logos so the credibility is essentially already there along with the short excerpt about the concept. If the question comes up about the reciting information on a verbal setting then this would also be accomplished through primary and secondary research, which are all aspect that is evident in my process of Bernie Sanders and the campaign through the blog. 

Hillary Clinton Campaign

Same as Bernie Sanders analysis above 
invention - Is the process of coming up with the idea and the development stages, which can not essentially be analysed on the final creative. However,  Invention is found through the beginning stages through documentation through primary and secondary research, and idea development. The problem found was that Bernie Sanders lost the minority vote which Hillary Clinton won, therefore, the is what sort of concept can we come up with that portrays Bernie Sanders as the 'saviour' of the minority community and portrays Hillary as the monster and an elitist politician against minorities. Once the concept is established, how can we apply visual rhetoric discussed in our essay to effectively emphasise the persuasion and demonstrate the link between rhetoric and visual communication through the application of three rhetorical theories? In essence, that is the Invention process.

Same as Bernie Sanders analysis above 
Delivery - This canon will be evidence through the collateral and is documented in the 'collateral in context'. In essence, the Delivery is taking into account of the presentation application of the final creative. Through exploration through flyers, badges, website, and posters we being to effectively persuade a wide range of the minority community all across America to vote for Bernie Sanders. The application of the collateral is extremely vital; if the campaign was visible in only rich white neighbourhoods then the full potential is missed. The target audience is minorities, so the campaign must be visible in these areas. (more on this subject in the blog post, Collateral in context)

Same as Bernie Sanders analysis above apart from the incorporate of personality through the patriotic colour scheme as this does not apply to Hillary.
Style - Style is the only canon that hasn't been fully implemented. Style is about evidencing creative voice and personality.  However, It's essential to not overstep the mark between showing the personality of the candidate and losing credibility. If you show too much of your personality you lose the professionalism as evidenced in the campaign where Donald Trump is dressed as Superman. The overall advertisement is childish and taking the serious nature of the potential president and making a mockery as if it were a reality show, It essentially loses all forms of Ethos. This is essentially the reason why Style hasn't been implemented, due to the serious nature of the subject at hand. Keep it credible, neutral, but above all keep it professional.

Same as Bernie Sanders analysis above but changes where necessary in regards to colour scheme of Hillary's creative
Arrangement - Arrangement is evident through page structure and information hierarchy. Clearly demonstrating what elements of the page are essential for the voters and what aren't as important. The fist thing that instantly sticks out is the red box contrasting against the brown. The information inside the box is essential to the campaign, so is highlighted with a high contrast colour. The image is also extremely important for the voter as the image and the headline works in conjunction with each other. Each one enforces the other. The Bernie Sanders logo is another essential piece of the hierarchy, it's an important element as voters need to quickly establish who the campaign is run by;  they may be short on time and can't fully digesting the whole concept. It's colourful and against a neutral background to fully maximise visibility and readability.

Memory - Memory is the ability to recite information. Memory demonstrates that you know more information than what you actually portray. The information is the statement or fact made that Hillary Clinton is against miniorties and supports segregation. The ability to recite information is through the image, which in itself adds Aristotle's Ethos and Logos so the credibility is essentially already there along with the short excerpt about the concept. If the question comes up about the reciting information on a verbal setting then this would also be accomplished through primary and secondary research, which are all aspect that is evident in my process of Hillary and the campaign through the blog. 

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