Saturday 7 January 2017


Modes of persuasion
Logos = NO, no sufficient logical statement is being communicated apart from 'Hope' which doesn't hold up as a solid fact or statement.
Ethos = NO, if there is not Logos then there will be no Ethos.
Pathos = YES, the American colour scheme evokes feelings of pride and patriotism. The main tagline "HOPE" emphasises Obama's commitment to change America, to further its development and lead it to greatness.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all but cannot be demonstrated with the final creative.
Style = NO, no personality of Obama has been implemented within the campaign.
Arrangement = YES, Image is the biggest and most important aspect on the advert. The headline is the second. By having only two elements the advert is allowed to breathe and really open up to the audience, maximising visibility and exposure.
Memory = NO, no facts of a statement are being used, therefore there is no possible to recite any information because nothing is being stated or said. There is no external outlet like a website that may further explore any statement or fact.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all but cannot be demonstrated with the final creative.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = YES, the adverts main message of hope injects a euphoric feeling about the future of America. A feeling of progress and development for the future of the American people.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.

Modes of persuasion
Logos = NO, there are not facts or statements being made, therefore no sense of credibility or trust. 
Ethos = NO, if there is not Logos then there will be no Ethos.
Pathos = YES & NO, the image might inject a sense of patriotism and pride by the use of the American flag.  The powerful stance and look portrays Romany as a powerful figure and a leader, which communicates to feelings of pride, a role model and loyalty.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all but cannot be demonstrated with the final creative.
Style = NO, no personality of Romney has been implemented within the campaign.
Arrangement = YES, Image is evidently the most important element as it fills the majority of the page. The bottom half of the page is dedicated to Romney's logo and tagline, which is highlighted by the blue from Romney's branding. Making the logo and tagline as visible and legible as possible to avoid conflicting with other colours or imagery.
Memory = NO, no facts of a statement are being used, therefore there is no possible to recite any information because nothing is being stated or said. There is no external outlet like a website that may further explore any statement or fact.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all but cannot be demonstrated with the final creative.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.

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