Wednesday 11 January 2017


The idea to create another campaign for a political campaign based in the UK was to try to understand the problems and issues that arise from political events from within. The underlying problem around the Bernie Sanders campaign was the fact that I wasn't American nor did I live in America, therefore, I could not truly understand the thoughts, feelings and emotions that affect minorities within America. I didn't know any American people, nor any minorities, so analysing and gathering different perspectives from Americans became impossible. It left me gathering information from secondary sources and often guessing how minorities would feel, which is essentially acceptable for the challenges that were put in front of me but it didn't allow me to truly understand the issue I was dealing with and there was no way to get avoid this.

The UK referendum campaign allows me to ask the British public their thoughts and feelings on the topic without being restricted. Being British and living in Britain,  all sources and primary research are regularly available to me. The UK Referendum campaign fills the hole that was left by the Bernie Sanders campaign, that "hole" being knowledgeable and informed of the subject area at hand and therefore,  having unlimited access to the public and their opinions about the subjects because, like me, everyone within the UK is affected by the result. This overall will give the campaign and analysis involved more credibility if like the rest of the UK public is also affected by the subject area. Credibility is the persuasive mode of "ethos".

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