Wednesday 11 January 2017


The impact of misleading statement is a huge problem as you saw from the list of lies from both camps in the previous blog post. Researching into this matter was slightly changeling for what I wanted to understand. I wanted raw thoughts, emotions, and opinions from the public and not just news articles stating statistics and figure about the referendum results, It doesn't allow me to comprehend how the voters really feel as the voters were the real victims and the voters will be able to give me the biggest indication of what I need to be further investigating.

When researching into the problem I stumble across the comment section of Richard Corbett (member of the labour party) article on 'long list of Leave Lies'. There was a raw discussion about the impact it had on many people and how they should resolve the issue by wanting a second referendum to hiring lawyers to prosecute politicians of the Leave camp.

Here were some of the comments:

Kathie expressed her concerns and reveals that she might have been swayed by a mislead statement.

Suggestions at how lawyers could be hired to prosecute Leave campaigns' liars. This comment thread also showcases the anger and resilience to stand up and fight against the lies.

Demonstrating the urge to fight back against the lies.

Again, demonstrating how the lies have affected families. The disappointments and turmoil caused by misleading statements.

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