Wednesday 11 January 2017


Aristotle's Triad Model

Logos - the discussion of logic and the implementation of a logical argument through the use of facts, statements and statistics. Logos is visible through the use of the headline “Liar, Liar Pants on Fire” or “I’m a Real Liar”. This logical approach is then backed up by the link to the website. The website link acts as an outlet for more information, which only emphasises the credibility factor as the user can seek out more information and check the facts about that very statement made.

Ethos - the mode of credibility, often used to back up a fact by using celebrities or the important figures such as professors or scientists. Ethos is evident in the design of the use of imagery. For example, the image of Nigel Farage in the form of Pinocchio portrays him as a liar. The fact made is “I’m a real liar” and the credible figure is Nigel Farage as Pinocchio. Connecting them both together. If the “Ethos” link isn’t a strong credible link then the professional design aesthetics will boost the credibility factor.

Pathos - the use of emotion through colour, imagery, layout and typography to provoke an emotional response. Pathos is implemented in all aspects of the design to create an emotional incentive to portray Boris and Farage as Liars. Using skewed images to smear both politicians and provoke emotional of disgust and anger. Also, using the negative connotations of red and subconsciously applying them onto key words such as ‘Real Liar’ and ‘Leave campaign’.

Five Canons of Rhetoric 

Invention - Is the beginning phase, the process of coming up with the idea, which can not essentially be analysed on the final creative. However, ‘Invention’ is documented through primary and secondary research and idea development.

Delivery - ‘Delivery’ is evidenced through the collateral and is documented within the ‘collateral in context’ design board. In essence, the ‘Delivery’ is taking into account of the presentation and application of the final creative.

Style - ‘Style’ is the only canon that hasn’t been fully implemented. ‘Style’, is about evidencing creative voice and personality. However, It’s essential to not overstep the mark between showing the personality of the candidate and losing credibility. If you show too much of your personality you lose the professionalism and the seriousness of the subject area.

Arrangement - Arrangement is evident through page structure and information hierarchy. At first glance, the large text and featured image take up the majority of the page. Making sure that these elements are the most visible as they provide the biggest impact in terms of controversy and important content. It’s these elements that will spark curiosity for the voter to further investigate. The rest of the elements are the logos and text, which are all given space to breathe by the use of the rectangle, increasing the legibility and readability factor.

Memory - Memory is the ability to recite information. Memory demonstrates that you know more information than what you actually portray. The information is the statement or fact made that the “Leave” camp are deceitful and lying to the British public. The ability to recite information is through the use of the website link where the voter can educate themselves and fact check.

Aristotle's Topoi

In regards to the implementation of Aristotle’s topoi within the EU referendum, there is no implementation of any topois. As explained in the synthesis, the main benefit of uncovering all rhetorical methods and tools within the essay, the benefit is having the option to pick and choose what methods to implement according to the concept and overall aim of the campaign. For this campaign, none of the four topoi could be applied.

Within the stages of “Invention”, the discovery was made through primary research that the British public felt that misleading statements and politicians lying were the biggest problems. With the problem at hand, none of the topoi could effectively strengthen my argument or concept. Therefore, the argument could be made that one of the three rhetorical theories hasn’t been implemented but the process of dissecting and discovering all rhetorical methods and tools is that there isn’t no point of applying everything within a single campaign if it isn’t appropriate to the agenda or indented user. The flexibility is there to pick and choose the strongest persuasive methods and tools to effectively suit the target audience and concept.

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