Wednesday 11 January 2017


The hashtag #wearthetruth is the chosen hashtag to embody the campaign's message and concept. The hashtag represents the truth, a source of communication were true statements and facts are spoken and delivered by the Remain camp for all to see and digest. It encourages voters to seek the truth, research, fact-check, be knowledgeable and be a part of the movement to remain within the EU. The hashtag will categorically distance itself away from the lies and instead expose the lies of the Leave camp. Thereforefore, giving the campaign credibility and trust which will be successfully intensified when applied across all collateral. #wearthetruth is adaptable and can be applied to give resilience to the concept and extra persuasive measures but can also uniquely fit the purpose of whatever it is applied too. #wearthetruth can be implemented on badges, scarves and t-shirts that will display true facts from the 'Remain' campaign. The hashtag can also be changed to #flythetruth if being applied on a flag, #hearthetruth for radio and TV and so on... These adaptions show expansion and exploration of all avenues, to dominate the public space and to spread the message to all to make sure they wear, fly, hear, display, or feel the truth.

The overall rhetoric would be applied across all collateral to further the persuasive argument that 'Remain' are loyal, credible and trustworthy while the 'leave' camp being misleading and untrustworthy. Rhetoric methods will be able to infiltrate all avenues and to effectively persuade all voters in a variety of ways as all collateral from flags, t-shirts, TV, and poster will be able to target voters no matter where they are.

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