Sunday 8 January 2017


This is the second practical brief made in response to feedback and the restrictions the Bernie Sanders campaign comes with. I felt it was vital to create a political campaign based on British politics to really understand the subject matter and gather effective and appropriate research and feedback.

Practical brief:


Misleading is a huge problem that can persuade someone to vote for something without fully questioning the truth of what they read or see, therefore not fully understanding the consequences involved.

Create an effective campaign using the appropriate rhetoric theories discussed in the dissertation to design a better alternative that could educate the British public to fact check and question whether or not what they are reading is true or false. The other initial aim is to persuade the public to see the Remain camp as the truth tellers, a place where they can gather credible information and facts but see the Leave camp as the opposite, as liars and untrustworthy.


Understand what can be done about this topic. How can you convince the public to fact check in the first place? How do you expose them to the lies? Research into the effect of misleading statement to fully understand the dangers of misleading statements.

Consider the dissertation and understand how the link can be made between rhetoric and visual communication.

Mandatory Requirements

Design Boards
Dissertation between 6-9000 words.


Set of Posters
Other campaign collateral (that you see appropriate):



The synthesis between my essay and practical is the appropriate use and implementation of three rhetorical theories investigated within my essay. The three theories are, Aristotle triad model, which includes, Logos, the use of logic argument through facts, statements and statistics, Pathos, which provokes an emotional response through design elements such as colour, imagery, type or other aspects such as delivery of the concept or application through collateral. Ethos, the last of the triad model embodies the very essence of credibility and trust through the use of influential figures and celebrities to promote or give credit to the fact, statement or statistic. The next theory is the Five Canons of rhetorics, The Five Canons implement a guide for creating powerful and dynamic speeches and writing; the five canons also acts as a template to critique effective rhetoric. The five canons include style, memory, invention, arrangement, and delivery. Finally, The last theory was Aristotle's topoi concept is an argumentative scheme that enables either a dialectician or a rhetorician to construct an argument for a conclusion. All three rhetorical theories demonstrate a diverse range of persuasive methods, approaches and tools in which are unique from each other, giving the opportunity to pick and choose where and when to implement the theories. The dissertation discusses other forms of visual rhetoric not displayed in the three theories such as rhetorics tropes, semiotics and structuralism that can also be applied alongside the three main theories to strengthen the persuasive tendencies

To construct a concrete link from the three theories to the practical, the creation of a political campaign will act as a gateway to effectively apply these rhetorics methods and tools within the visual communication. The campaign will be situated around the recent EU referendum that shocked the country. The aim of the campaign is to educate the British public about the importance of fact checking and portraying the Leave camp as liars and cheats. Making misleading statements is a huge problem and not many people are actually checking to see that what they're reading from a particular party is true or not.  Taking this problem on the board, how can the persuasive power of rhetoric be applied to the campaign's concept and collateral to gather positive support for fact checking and the Remain camp and at the same time provoke feelings of disconnect and anger towards the Leave camp and the politicians leading the Leave campaign. By having a diverse range of rhetorical theories with an arsenal of methods and tools, we can begin to form a strategic approach to the application of the rhetoric. By considering the intended audience along with the main concept and end goal, we can begin to structure and craft our campaign around the rhetoric. Strategically implementing the three theories where appropriate to effectively and beneficially strengthen the main agenda of the campaign.


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