Wednesday 11 January 2017


The below analysis demonstrates how many rhetorical methods is used within each idea to give the best indication of what the best idea is. It's an efficient method in order to quickly evaluate each idea in comparison to the rhetorical methods.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = YES, Through the display of true and false facts.
Ethos = NO There is no credible figures or celebrities to give credit to the facts made. 
Pathos = YES, The false statement would no doubt stir up an emotional response as voter understand just how many lies are told by the "Leave" camp

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality or the creative voice of the "Remain" campaign has been implemented, as this could jeopardise the credibility nature of the idea.
Arrangement = YES, Hierarchy is represented effectively through the use of the big and bold 'Tick' and 'Cross' to spark the curiosity of voters.
Memory = NO There are no links or other sources of text that could expand on the facts presented.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = YES In simplest of terms the concept is applying that the "Remain" camp tells the truth and the "Leave" camp tells lies.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = NO, no facts, statements or statistics used within the idea.
Ethos = NO & YES If there are no logos then there is no Ethos apart from understanding if the idea's professional style and aesthetics could constitute as a source of credibility.
Pathos = YES, The headline will no doubt provoke an emotional response. Generating anger and disgust at the fact that the "Leave" camp is lying.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality or the creative voice of the "Remain" campaign has been implemented, as this could jeopardise the credibility nature of the idea.
Arrangement = YES, Hierarchy is represented effectively through the use of large text to let the user know what they should be looking at, at first glance.
Memory = NO There are no links or other sources of text that could expand on the facts presented.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.


Modes of persuasion
Logos = YES, Yes, the implementation of the two facts supply the mode of Logos.
Ethos = NO There is no credible figures or celebrities to give credit to the facts made. 
Pathos = YES, and NO The only emotional response may be when the voter finds out the true answer. Apart from the that, there isn't a lot that could provoke an emotional response.

Five Canons
Invention = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.
Style = NO, no personality or the creative voice of the "Remain" campaign has been implemented, as this could jeopardise the credibility nature of the idea.
Arrangement = YES, Hierarchy is represented effectively through the use of large text to let the user know what they should be looking at, at first glance.
Memory = NO There are no links or other sources of text that could expand on the facts presented.
Delivery = YES, this canon is universally applied to all.

Four Topoi
Greater/Lesser = NO, there is no comparison of two objects within the campaign.
Future Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the future.
Past Fact = NO, no statement applying that something will occur in the past.
Possible/Impossible = NO, The campaign's message isn't stating anything that may be impossible or possible as no persuasive argument is taking place.

Overall, all ideas implemented the same amount of rhetorical theories. The best option would be idea two. Even though idea two didn't implement Logos or Ethos the development of the idea could work on these issues. The main reason for chosen idea two was the recent primary research results where people felt the biggest issue o the EU referendum was the misleading statement and lying politicians.

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