Sunday 8 January 2017


At this stage, I had chosen the best concept to represent the campaign. However, I quickly asked a few people around the table if I should use image and type or type only. The obvious answer would be to choose the image and type but the only issue that may be of concern is the rest of the collateral. I've already stated that the rest of the collateral will essentially be a stripped back version, similar to that of the current collateral of both Remain and Leave campaigns. Will the posters be too different? Will the potential voters be able to connect the imagery to the rest of the campaign or will it leave them confused and wondering what the connection is? The image below quickly highlights the difference between image and type and type-only. 

The majority of people suggested going with the image as It's more visual and interesting. They referenced how it would appear on a billboard and suggested that the type-only version may be a lot legible on the billboard but the image will no doubt capture the attention of any walker by or driver. One comment was to quickly mock up both and see what people preferred, which is a good suggestion as the full impact of the rhetoric and visual cannot be established from just a  sketch.

When asked about whether or not the link would be obvious from the poster to the collateral, the majority said the connection would still be obvious, the type would remain the same, so all you're taking out is the image. It's the text that obtains the most important information and not the image so the removal of the imagery wouldn't affect the overall connection. But many people found it hard to give constructive feedback as the posters were still in an initial idea phase and the collateral doesn't yet exist.

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