Sunday 8 January 2017


The concept surrounding the EU referendum campaign is purely based on the problem of misleading statements. As evident from the primary research survey, misleading statements are a huge problem and not many people are actually checking to see that what they're reading from a particular party is true or not. This problem doesn't only occur within British politics but it's a universal problem affecting many democracies across the world.

How will this issue be solved?

Using the main politicians who led the campaign to Leave the EU, politicians like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, and using clever puns along with other forms of visual rhetoric to smear their image. Exposing both politicians for the liars that they are, liars who are misrepresenting millions of voters and hiding the truth and replacing the truth with obvious misleading facts or statements. The misrepresentation will be informed by the use of images of these politicians, to manipulate then and represent them in a bad light to emphasise the point. Using classic fairytales and/or famous sayings such as Pinnochio and implementing what Pinnochio represents onto one of the Politicians. The other forms of collateral will represent a modern and formal continuation to the posters. As seen in my dissertation analysis of the EU referendum the posters are essentially stand alone pieces compared to how the other collateral looks.

The other collateral that includes, badges, flyers, T-Shirts, and so on, are a uniformed collective which is more modern and minimal in terms of design layout that only enforces the strongest and most important elements of the campaign's concept. This is the approach I've represented for the campaign. The other form of collateral will attempt to give an incentive for people to go out and want to vote for the UK to remain in the EU. Essentially, the posters are used to bash and smear the image of politics, playing on the public's emotional response, evoking anger and disappointment across the country, the other collateral will evoke a contrast in Pathos. Enticing an emotion response of credibility, trust, and commitment to the cause. Turning their back on the damaging lies of the Leave campaign.

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