Sunday 8 January 2017


Both images below are image manipulations consisting of Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson being portrayed as smug and arrogant politicians. The main aim for the imagery is to evoke an emotional response of Aristotle's Pathos. The persuasive goal is to portray and smear the reputation of both politicians, stripping them both of any credibility or likeness and in return repel voters away from any association with them. Giving the voters an incentive to get up and vote for the UK to remain in the EU and to not allow the scenario where these liars are in control off such a big decision. They've been exposed as liars so what other things can they be doing behind the scenes.

Nigel Farage is being portrayed as Pinocchio. Pinocchio as a fictional character and is best known for his lies and long sprouting nose that grows as a result of telling lies. The nose is symbolic and will no doubt be apparent and reconisable for a lot of people. With the connotations that come with the nose and the smug stance of Nigel in the image, he comes across proud, smug and in general ecstatic about the fact that he is lying. This alone with summons feelings of anger and detest for the Nigel Farage; giving off this attitude that his getting away with so many lies and has no sympathy for the general public.

Boris is also being portrayed as a smug and lazy liar. Without the type, the reasoning may not be apparent but the headline would read "Liar, Liar, facts on fire". It plays off the classic phrase from 1810 where children scream the phrase at each other whenever they think the other is lying. The phrase had been slightly changed to replace the word 'Pants' with 'Facts', they both rhyme and 'Facts' fits in perfectly with the phrase. Boris Johnson, himself, is standing on a beach with fire pattern speedos. The Pathos is seen in Boris's stance and surroundings, his stance comes across as proud and his surroundings give off the impression of arrogance. How can he possibly enjoy himself on a beach in another country when the UK is facing such a historic vote? Both of these elements provoke feelings of anger, disgust and a further disconnect with the British public. The British public, where some struggle to find work, some struggle to support themselves and here proudly stands Boris enjoying the sun in another country.

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