Wednesday 11 January 2017


To show the problems of misleading statements and lies told by both Leave and Remain below are some of the lies expressed by both parties. These are only some lies found by a couple of sources but it's evident from the vast list that the there is a real problem. There are no consequences for politicians who falsify statements, the only people who suffer are the public. One false statement could secure their vote for the wrong side. It's unfair and unjust considering what is at stake. 

Lies from the Leave camp.
  • We send £350m a week to Brussels
  • We can’t stop Turkey joining
  • We can’t stop a European army
  • We are still liable to pay eurozone bailouts
  • The UK rebate can be changed against our will
  • Our VAT exemptions will be ended
  • Cameron’s deal was not legally binding
  • EU law is adopted by unelected bureaucrats
  • We can’t control our borders in the EU
  • Criminals arriving in Germany can get EU passports and come over here
  • Health tourism costs us billions
  • EU needs UK trade more than vice versa
  • Past referendum results have been ignored
  • Auditors still refuse to sign off the accounts
  • CAP adds £400 to British food bills
  • British steel suffers because of the EU
  • Irish border will be unaffected by Brexit
  • UK can’t deport EU criminals
  • The UK is always outvoted
  • 60-70% of laws come from EU
  • Renationalisation of industries is impossible
  • We get no veto on future treaty change or integration
  • The budget ceiling can increase without our consent
  • We thought we were only joining a free trade zone
Lies from the Remain camp
  • An emergency budget would be needed a few days later.
  • The UK stock market would collapse with 100s of billions of £s wiped off British companies and Global meltdown would inevitably result.
  • UK Pensions triple lock would have to be removed.
  • Cameron – I promise to stay on whatever the result
  • Article 50 would be invoked within days
  • War will break out in Northern Ireland
  • War will break out in Europe, Third world war will start
  • The UK will be put to the back of the queue when negotiating trade deals with the US.
  • Article 50 would be invoked within days
  • Senior members of armed forces are almost all against Brexit
  • Turkey will not be allowed to join the EU for 100s of years 

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