Saturday 7 January 2017


Campaigns effective potential can massively emphasise the rhetorical persuasion through means of mass exposure and public awareness. Without a collateral, the rhetoric is only limited to what it's been applied and the reach of the audience will again be restricted to whom it can be seen by. The collateral could be flyers, t-shirts, posters, badges, radio and T.V to name a few but will no doubt be able to reach a wider spectrum of the intended demographic. Through these means of collateral, the visual rhetoric's ability to persuade is able to reach people in public, shops, petrol stations, shopping malls, and even inside their bedrooms. If you only stick to one avenue then you restrict access but furthermore you demonstrate a lack of awareness for your intended demographic and can lose the ability to portray ethos. 

For example, if the campaign restricts its collateral to just posters or digital... how do yo know if your whole audience will be able to see the campaign's message? You need to take into count limitation of people, people who are disabled or people with financial struggles. Will your audience with a low income be able to see the digital campaign? Probably not as they may not have the privilege of owning a computer. Can all your audience see your poster? The answer will be yes and no, by just having a poster you are taking a chance that your whole audience will glance at the poster when they are out, the poster will have to stand out enough to curate curiosity. This doesn't take into account your audience who may not venture out into public as often or who may not be able to due to disability. The appliance of the campaign's agenda across multiple of avenues, caters for the whole audience including the disabled. If the intended audience is teenagers then the emphasis of the campaign might be through social media, where the campaign is more visible and 'pushed' but again the assumptions that all teenagers use social media is short minded as it isn't entirely true especially when we talk about disability and financial difficulties again. The campaign can be stronger within one area but for maximum visibility and effectiveness, the campaign's collateral should be applied to all avenues. Rhetoric is everywhere and the universal properties of rhetoric and visual rhetoric can effortlessly seep into all spaces of life so the benefit of spreading the rhetoric across a number of platforms will create a stronger overall campaign with a longer lifespan as a uniformed set.

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