Wednesday 11 January 2017



The billboards/poster are the starting point for the campaign. The billboards designs are a stand alone creative, different design to the rest of the collateral but still expresses the same concept and message making sure the uninformed link is still apparent.  The design can be used as a poster or billboard, ensuring flexibility. The UK is a rich and powerful country, therefore, the price of billboards shouldn't be an issue for the "Remain" party. The billboard size is extremely large, allowing for maximum visibility and also legibility. The billboards act as a gateway and opening for the campaign used to really emphasise the campaign's smear of the lying politicians. The other form campaign collateral acts as an incentive for education and continuity of the agenda in a more approachable and reasonable format.


Badges serve as a tangible piece of memorabilia that communicates inclusion and purpose, something that the billboard posters cannot achieve. Badges are something you wear on your person, something you carry with you, and something you wear with pride. Badges are fairly cheap to make, so the mass production aspect is cost effective and can be achieved for little to no cost. The badge acts as an opportunity for people to see true facts from the "Remain" campaign. Nothing is misleading, the credibility is there and so is the trust. The # also provokes a sense of pride to wear the truth and educating people about the benefits of fact checking.


Bags act in a similar set-up as the badges. It's an effective way to effortless promote the campaign. Essentially, It's on someone's back which means that it will constantly be in someone's face. Bags are also cheap to produce if the material is thin and by avoiding backpacks. The bags can have a variety of facts and not just the same fact. Spreading a number of facts and statements throughout the country with no advertising fees.


The t-shirt has a similar distribution effect to badges. Again, they are tangible, interactive and highly visible. The voters who wear the t-shirt become a walking promotion, a free source of advertising. The t-shirt is highly collectable and a piece of collateral that people love to collect to show support for the "Remain" camp.

The T-Shirts can also display the images of Boris and Farage in the same way as the posters do. It may not be presenting anything positive which demands any positive action but it stills spreads the emotion mockery and smear of both politicians. 


The website acts as a gateway for the public to fact check and educate themselves on the number of policies being thrown at them. The aim of the website is to act as a credible source. A place where the public can turn to for the truth and for real, credible policies. The website also allows the public to check facts from the "Leave" camp. If the website acts as a place where voters from both sides can check the fact on the "Remain" website then the opportunity is there to subconsciously persuade "Leave" voters to change their minds. This is been done within the design. Subconsciously, using the negative connotations of red to provoke an emotional response and using the positive connotation of blue to represent "Remain".


The flyer acts as an initial point of contact to many voters on the street. Above all other campaign collateral, flyers are the cheapest to mass produce. The flyers incorporate the branding of the campaign used across the rest of the campaign. In a similar fashion to the campaign posters, a common phrase was used to entice and spark curiosity from any voter walking past. The famous phrase "LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD" incorporates the notion of truth which perfectly sums up the concept of the campaign. To make the phrase personal to the concept, the word "TRUTH" was replaced with "FACT". This ensures continuity with the concept and portraying the truth with fact checking. On the back of the flyer, a fact is presented which works in conjunction with the front. Every flyer can be different and presents all true facts from the "Remain" camp.

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