Saturday 7 January 2017



Campaign poster was the essential foundation of which the other forms of collateral was shaped around. The posters will ensure that a large a number of the target audience will be able to view the campaign's concept. Posters are a cost efficient method and in return allows the campaign to produce a large quantity at a low cost. Essentially meaning that the poster can be placed around cities and neighbourhoods as a cheap alternative for billboards or digital displays. The colour scheme is very minimal, again saving on cost and all the posters can be mass produce through litho printing. The target audience is the minority community but predominantly the black community. The majority of black communities in America are working class and have little to know income and are highly dependent on the government. With no money, posters serve as an efficient method to spread the campaign. These communities may not have access to the internet but they still have access to the outside where posters can be easily accessible and visible.


Badges serve as a tangible piece of memorabilia that communicates inclusion and purpose. The poster has its purpose but they're not interactive or engaging. Badges are something you wear on your person, something you carry with you, and something you wear with pride. By wearing the badge you're openly supporting Bernie Sanders and open to judgement. It's a solid reminder to all the public of who you support. In terms of rhetoric, the persuasion is allowed to spread to far more people and it's a beneficial way to reach new audiences. Wearing the badge, the persuasion is apart of you and unofficially you beocme an extension of the campaign. The rhetoric reaches new places and new areas that posters, websites or any form of static collateral cannot reach. Badges are also a lot less expensive than any other collateral so it becomes a cost-efficient method, and people in poor neighbourhoods can wear one to spread the message to other neighbours, it captures curiosity when you see the bright blue colour scheme and the headline "It's our fight".


The t-shirt has a similar distribution effect to badges. Again, they are tangable, interactive and highly visable. The voters who wear the t-shirt become a walking promotion, a free source of advertising. The t-shirt is highly collectable and a piece of collateral that people love to collect to show support for Bernie. The t-shirt can act as a charitable donation. In poorer suburbs of America, the T-shirt can be given out to minorities who may not be able to afford to clothes. This approach not only gains free promotion but also portrays Bernie and the campaign as generous, kind and supportive off all minorities no matter how poor or rich they are. People are people who should all have the same right and needs.


A website ensures all avenues across digital and print are covered. The website acts as an official gateway for more information and in-depth exploration of Bernie's policies and overall agenda for minorities. Millions upon millions of Americans have access to the internet so it's an efficient way to quickly reach millions without the hard works that come with it. Digital campaigns can also use advertising through social media to either target the younger generation or by using analytics through the social media giants it's an efficient method to pinpoint the demographic they want to target.


Leaflets like the posters offer a cheap alternative to quickly promote the campaign on the streets. Similar to the poster they can be mass produced on litho printing to produce a large quantity in a short period of time. They can be easily spread across cities and communities and along with the potential to hire volunteers to give out the flyers and interact with the public to verbally use rhetoric to further the campaign's agenda.

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